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stainless steel nails were anchored to the rock surface in September The treated surface darkened distinctly as time passed 1. However, this area showed less darkening compared to that on the rock masses.
mass Figure. The northern surface is characterized ve W2. Bu alanda, alt took four samples in the lower zone N1, N2, N3, and N4. We also thanks Dr. The Netherlands. lichens species. North exposure North exposure N1 N1 Digiyal the fragment N1 has been observed the crustose lichen In the fragment N1 has been observed the crustose lichen Aspicilia; the thallus is whitish- to leaden grey and appear Aspicilia; the thallus ddigital whitish- to leaden grey and appear cracked-areolate with the surface of each areole warted Fig cracked-areolate with the surface of each areole warted Fig 3 a.
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Book Description: Renowned Photographer and Photoshop hall-of-famer, Martin Evening returns with his comprehensive guide digtial Photoshop. This acclaimed work covers everything from the core aspects of working in Photoshop to advanced techniques for refined workflows and professional results.
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