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Adobe premiere pro cc 2017 chroma key free
Jan 6, – Here are a few tips and tricks on how I do Green Screen in Adobe Premiere ProTry Out VideoBlocks for 7 Days FREE: replace.me G. Nov 6, – Here are a few tips and tricks on how I do Green Screen in Adobe Premiere ProTry Out VideoBlocks for 7 Days FREE: replace.me G Pinterest . Nov 15, · Effects > Video Effects > Keying > Color Key or for more controls Effects > Video Effects > Keying > Ultra Key MtD Likes Like Translate Translate Report Report Reply Community guidelines Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more thiagor AUTHOR New Here.
Adobe premiere pro cc 2017 chroma key free. Premiere Pro CC: Create a Green-Screen Key
Those who are new to this editing world must be curious to know about what is the Chroma Key processing and how it is done. Chroma Key, also called a Green-screen key, is actually the process of replacing background color of a video with another desired background to make videos more appealing. Adobe Premiere Pro platform allows easy editing options for such type of changes with its great tool named as “Ultra Key”.
In this article, we will show you how to do Chroma key in Premiere Pro and some tips for getting a perfect Chroma Key effect. If you are a beginner then you may find using Premiere Pro to change green screen background is a little complicated.
The complexity of this software tool may take all your excitement and the classic chroma key effect may turn out to be a complete mess. Don’t worry! If you want to make eye catching videos with green screen then you can access many other easy-to-use tools. One of the best recommendations for beginners is Wondershare Filmora. You can check the video tutorial below to check how to use Filmora to composite a green screen video. The article below will help you to know about how chroma key effect can be used in Premiere Pro platform.
If you are wondering where to get the green screen background resource, while the answer is, you can find some free and paid background resources on websites or shoot the green screen video by yourself. Here are few basic rules that you should follow if you want to shoot and make own green screen footage :.
If you are ready to add Chroma Key effect into your videos using Adobe Premiere Pro platform then here are few easy to follow steps:. Step 1: First of all users need to import a green screen footage to Premiere Pro timeline and then get your video that you want to edit with your Chroma Key effect. To accomplish this task, simply go to File menu and then choose import option from drop down menu. It will help you to make selections for media files that are stored inside your computer.
Step 2: Now simply place your imported video clip that is going to replace the green screen, into Video 1 Track of the Premiere Pro timeline. Step 3: It is time to place green screen containing footage into Video 2 Track of timeline, it will be positioned above Video 1 Track. Step 4: Go to the Effects panel that is located next to the project tab which contains all your imported clips.
If you can’t see the Effects panel, then go to Window and click Effets. Of course, you can also search for “Ultra Key” in the search bar and drag it to the video clip containing green screen in the timeline.
Step 5: In the Effects controls panel, expand controls of Video Effects from the arrow attached to Effects option. Simply select the green screen area from background at preview window and within fraction of seconds this selected background will get replaced with the green screen of the video that is available in Track 1.
For perfecting the chroma keying effects in Premiere Pro, you may also need to do the following operations. Step 7: In order to fine tune your green screen effect, use Choke, Highlight and Transparency controls from the Matte Generation option to remove shadows and highliths. You can laso use the Matte Cleanup options to change the edges of the object. Using the Choke option will shrink the edges and using the Soften option will make the edges fuzzy. To eliminate the spill and adjust the edge color, try Spill Suppression option.
Above are some tips for getting perfect key effects in Premiere Pro, in most case, that will hep you to get a better compositing result. Of course, you can also try the Crop effect to cropped out some unwanted green screen background. Below is a video tutorial on how to do chroma key in Adobe Premiere Pro which will show you in detials:.
I hope you can now master how to do chroma key in Premiere Pro. If you still looking for an alternative to composite a green screen video in a quicker way, you can always download and try Filmora for free. If you are new to Adobe Premiere Pro platform then you may need to know how this text creation feature can be used. So check the article below can help you add text to video in Premiere easily. Try transitions. This article will give you 10 best Premiere Pro transitions and let you know how to add transitions in Premiere.
Check it out! Generally rated 4. Download on the App Store. Filmora Video Editor. Benjamin Arango. We will review it within few days. You May Also Like. Benjamin Arango staff Editor.
Adobe premiere pro cc 2017 chroma key free. About chroma key-premiere-pro-cc
While the concept of chroma keying seems simple the process of removing a single color to leave only your subject in the frameit may be hard to achieve depending on multiple factors such as how your footage was shot, right down to even whether or not your editor has decent chroma key plug-ins.
По этой ссылке the video below, Armando Ferreira shows off how to properly go through the process of chroma keying inside Adobe Premiere Pro CC First off, make sure your green screen is evenly lit so that your NLE will have an easier time isolating the color for removal.
Also, take into consideration the background plate you will be using so that you can light your subject to match the scene seamlessly. If your talent is moving, shoot at a higher shutter speed to avoid motion blur that may otherwise ruin the chroma key effect. When lighting your subject, try to use a backlight if possible for your shot to allow your keying plug-in to easily distinguish the background green screen from the foreground subject.
That being said, add your clip to the timeline inside Premiere Pro CC, then head over to the Effects Panel and apply the Ultra Key effect to your clip. The next step is to click the eyedropper on the Key Color property and select the green color from your source footage. In fact, there are a few parameters under the Setting properties that could be quite efficient if you want the plug-in to deal with the hassle of cleaning up details. Usually, you may come across some subtle imperfections that remain which easily can be removed with a bit of tweaking.
According to Armando, the Matte Generation settings are better left untouched as those tend to deal with how the chroma key effect actually isolates the subject from the green background. Matte Cleanuphowever, is one setting that you may want to adjust since it adobe premiere pro cc 2017 chroma key free help you to remove some of the flaws left after the initial key. The Choke setting, in particular, basically manipulates the edges of your subject by either trimming or expanding the area.
Again, Armando recommends not going over 20 with the parameter. To remove or at least minimize the spill, try manipulating the properties under Spill Suppression. Play around with the saturation, range, spill, and luma values to get the desired look and hopefully minimize the green glow casting on перейти subject. While these guidelines should be more adobe premiere pro cc 2017 chroma key free enough to pull off the perfect chroma key on most occasions, testing out your green screen setup beforehand is highly recommended if you want to be sure that the chroma keying would work out as a result.
Also, remember that ссылка Adobe premiere pro cc 2017 chroma key free Key effect might not always be the best option when it comes to chroma keying.
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