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Our course starts with setting up QuickBooks Online for your business. We cover how to record your income and expenses, how to manage bank and credit card transactions, how to manage payroll, and how to run financial statements. There are 46 tutorials in our QuickBooks Online tutorial, spanning eight lessons. You should plan at least two hours to complete the first lesson, which includes 15 video tutorials.

About half of the tutorials have an average runtime of five minutes or less, and the longest tutorial is slightly less than 14 minutes long. Each lesson has been broken down into bite-sized tutorials. Each QuickBooks tutorial includes a video where we demonstrate the concepts presented in each lesson. In our free QuickBooks course, we will teach you what you need to know to manage your own books. Now that you understand the importance of maintaining your books, here are three tips to get the most out of our free QuickBooks Online tutorials:.

In this lesson, you will learn how to set up key areas of QuickBooks like bank and credit card accounts, invoice templates, products and services, and the chart of accounts.

By the time you complete this QuickBooks online tutorial, you will be ready to start using QuickBooks to manage all of your income and expenses. The features and settings that you choose in this lesson will affect every area of QuickBooks. For example, you will set the default payment terms for customer invoices and vendor bills. You will also choose whether to turn on inventory quantity and cost tracking. This lesson covers how to record your sales and track your income in QuickBooks Online.

There are two types of sales in QuickBooks: credit sales and cash sales. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to keep track of your credit sales by creating and emailing invoices to your customers as well as recording cash sales where no invoice is needed. This lesson covers how to manage your bills and record expenses in QuickBooks.

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For your clients. QuickBooks Online Powerful accounting tools for your clients. QuickBooks Payroll Payroll that’s built for small business. QuickBooks Time Simply smarter team, time and project tracking. Advisor Resource Centre. Product Updates. Advisor Blog. Book free onboarding.

Getting started hub NEW. User guides. Recorded webinars. Small business blog. Find an accountant. Tax Tables. How-to video tutorials. Self Employed Blog. In general, businesses either sell products or services, or both. Margaret Lockhart provides consulting services as well as selling products, such as fabrics.

Click Next to move to the What do you sell? Click Both services and products to select it. QuickBooks uses this information to set recommendations for a retail-type business. Margaret Lockhart does not do retail sales on a daily basis, so she will record her sales as they occur. In the How will you enter your sales in QuickBooks? Your screen should look like this:. Click Next. In the Do you sell products online? Margaret Lockhart has no plans to sell online.

You should turn the sales tax setting off only if you never charge sales tax. Margaret Lockhart typically charges sales tax, so well turn on sales tax in her company file.

Click Yes for the question, Do you charge sales tax? In your own business company file, you would edit these tax items to enter the current tax rates if necessary. QuickBooks will setup the taxes for you according to province where your business is located. Additional taxes can be added for other provinces if necessary. If the Invalid Business Number window appears, click Continue anyway. If you were setting up a real company, you would have a valid CRA business number issued, which you would use in this screen.

You can use the QuickBooks estimate form to prepare professional-looking itemized estimates, bids, quotes, or proposals for your customers. You can customize a QuickBooks estimate to look and say exactly what you want it to. When it’s time to bill your customer, you can easily create an invoice from the estimate with just one click. QuickBooks then creates an invoice using information from your estimate. You can also associate price levels with your customers and use those price levels on estimates.

When you need to know how accurate your estimates are, you can create reports that compare your estimated costs and revenue against your actual costs and revenue.

Creating estimates in QuickBooks will allow you to easily compare your actual costs against what you estimated. This will let you see how accurate your estimates are.

You can track which estimates are still active and easily update each estimate as you continue to negotiate with your customers. For this exercise, Margaret Lockhart creates proposals for her customers for their interior design projects, so she needs to enable estimates for her company. On the Do you want to create estimates in QuickBooks?

On the next window, if you are using a QuickBooks: Premier Edition product, QuickBooks asks if you want to track sales orders. Click Yes, and then click Next. Simply click Yes or No, then click Next to move forward in the Interview. For Lockhart Design, complete the preferences by giving the following responses: For this item Answering the series of questions about your business helps customize QuickBooks to meet your specific business needs.

Next, youll set up your accounts. You can always change preference settings later, after the EasyStep Interview. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences, and then select the preference type in the left panel. To set up the chart of accounts, you need to:. The chart of accounts is the framework used to categorize the information and transactions used to create reports.

By using a chart of accounts and creating reports, youll always know the current state of your business. The chart of accounts is made up of five types of accounts common to all businesses and you categorize transactions into one of these five account types. This is the starting point you want to use for all your QuickBooks accounts.

The start date is the date for which you give QuickBooks a financial snapshot of your company assets and liabilities. Once you decide on a start date, you enter all your companys transactions since that date. Thats why you should choose a start date thats not too far back in the past for you to handle.

Many business owners like to use the last day of a financial period as their start date, such as the end of last fiscal year, last quarter, or last month. You need to enter all historical transactions from the day after your start date up through today. For example, if you decide on a start date of March 31, youd enter your historical transactions from April 1 up through today. QuickStart Tip. When choosing the start date you want to use for your own QuickBooks company file, consider this question: Is having a lot of historical data important to you?

If it is, youll want to choose a start date as close to the beginning of your fiscal year as possible. If historical data is not very important to you, you can make setup easier by choosing a start date as close to today as possible. You only have to enter historical data between your start date and today. On the Using accounts in QuickBooks window, click Next. The Select a date to start tracking your finances window appears. When you create a new QuickBooks company, you select a company type that most closely matches your type of business, and QuickBooks sets up a chart of accounts for you.

The chart of accounts is made up of five types of accounts common to all businesses the income and expense accounts used by the Profit and Loss Statement, and the asset, liability, and equity accounts used by the Balance Sheet. Each time you enter a transaction, QuickBooks will prompt you to categorize it into one of these five types of accounts. Because you chose an industry from the list earlier in the Interview, QuickBooks has already created income and expense accounts for your company.

Next, youll view the preset income and expense accounts. In the Review income and expense accounts window, scroll through the preset accounts to get an idea of what is included. Note that from the list of accounts in this window you can remove or add accounts. If you see accounts you do not need, you can clear the checkmark for the account and QuickBooks removes it from the chart of accounts. To add an account, click in the checkmark column.

QuickBooks launches QuickBooks Setup window. From this window you can add the people you do business with like customers and Vendors. You can also add the products and services you sell. QuickBooks also lets you add your bank accounts from this window. The balance sheet accounts in the QuickBooks chart of accounts start with an opening balance of zero. Before you begin working in QuickBooks, you need to enter an opening balance for each balance sheet account as of your start date.

The opening balance is important because QuickBooks cant give you an accurate balance sheet what your company owns and what it owes without it. An accurate balance sheet gives you a true picture of your companys finances.

Also, if you start with an accurate balance as of a specific date, you can reconcile your QuickBooks bank accounts with your bank statements, and your QuickBooks chequing accounts will show the actual amount of money you have in the bank. The easiest way to determine an accounts opening balance is to work from an accurate balance sheet. If you have a balance sheet as of your start date, you can take the opening balance from there.

During the QuickBooks Setup, you can enter opening balances for bank accounts only. Youll learn later how to enter opening balances for accounts after youve completed the QuickBooks Setup. Lets assume Margaret Lockhart wants to enter an opening balance for her chequing account. The opening balance for a QuickBooks bank account is the dollar amount in the bank on the start date. This amount can be determined two ways: using the ending balance on the last bank statement on or immediately prior to the start date, or using the bank account balance from a balance sheet prepared by an accountant.

Margaret has a recent bank statement for this account, so well use that method. From the Add your bank accounts section, click Add. Enter the name for the first bank account in Account Name. Type Chequing as the name of the account. Just leave the Bank account number blank. Click Continue. If you print cheques from QuickBooks you can order cheques or add a reminder to order cheques at a later date.

Click No Thanks, then click Continue. However, there are some additional tasks you might need do to make sure the company file is properly set up and that the data is complete. If you take two minutes now to understand these basic concepts, you’ll be able to get started quickly and correctly with your company information.

Customer: A customer is anyone who pays you. This can mean patients, donors, members, legal or consulting clients, or your typical retail customer. Vendor: A vendor is anyone you pay, except for employees. This can mean subcontractors, utility companies, your landlord, tax agencies, or suppliers.

For example you may want to create expense accounts to track office supply purchases separately from advertising costs. All accounts are listed on your chart of accounts. If you choose a tax form, you can associate accounts with tax lines, which would make preparing for tax time easier.

Item: An item is anything you want to put on an invoice. This includes products, services, labour, discounts, taxes and others. This section covers how to set up customers, vendors, and items, and how to add an income account. By entering details about the people and companies you do business with, you can personalize invoices, send invoices easily and quickly and view the status of their accounts. You can add new customers at any time. QuickBooks lets you add multiple customers at one time.

In the section labelled Add the people you do business with, click Add. Select Paste from Excel or enter manually, then click Continue.

Select the type of name you would like to add to QuickBooks. You can enter the names manually completing each of the appropriate fields for the name including name, company name, email, phone and other fields. Type the name Smith, Lee in the Name field, then click tab to move to the next field. In the Address field type 43 Hampshire Blvd,.

Click Continue to add this customer. QuickBooks confirms the number of names to be added to your company file. Nearly everyone you pay, other than employees, is a vendor. You can add new vendors at any time. QuickBooks uses the Vendors list to hold information about the people and companies you do business with; for example, this list could include the phone company, your office supplies vendor, and your tax agency.

In the Add the people you do business with section, click Add More. Press Tab to move to the next field. In the First Name field type Maureen. In the Last Name field, type Fay. In the Address field, type, Royal Rd. Click Continue to confirm the new vendor. You can think of an item as something that shows up as a line on an invoice or other sales or purchase form.

Items help you fill out the line item area of a sales or purchase form quickly. When you choose an item from your Item list, QuickBooks fills in a description of the line item and calculates its amount for you. While they provide a quick means of data entry, a much more important role for items is to handle the behind-the-scenes accounting. When you create an item, you link it to an account; when the item is used on a form, it posts an entry to that account and another entry to the appropriate accounts receivable, accounts payable, chequing, fixed asset, or other account.

When creating items, consider how much detail you want on your invoices or statements and set up items with that level of detail in mind. For example, if you are a seamstress who creates and sells home accessories, you can set up a single item and charge a flat rate for a certain size of couch pillow, or you can break that pillow down further into labour and materials. QuickBooks provides several different types of items. Somesuch as the service item or the inventory part itemhelp you record the services and products your business sells.

Otherssuch as the subtotal item or discount itemare used to perform calculations on the amounts in a sale. For Lockhart Design, youll set up a service item for billing the time used for initial consultation for a design project.

Select the type of item you would like to add. This will vary depending on your selection in the Easy Step Interview. Lockhart Design does not maintain inventory so you cannot add inventory in this part of the setup. Select Service, then click Continue. Name field, type Initial Design Consultation. In the Description field, type Initial design consulting. Click in the Price field, type You can add more details about items on the item list in QuickBooks.

Review the items that are ready to be added and then click Continue. After you have added customers, vendors, items and bank accounts, click Start Working to continue in QuickBooks. There are two basic types of accounts: balance sheet accounts, such as savings or chequing, and accounts used to group transactions for reporting purposes, such as income and expense accounts. Income and expense accounts track the sources of your income and the purpose of each expense. When you record transactions, you usually assign the amount of the transaction to one or more income or expense accounts.

QuickBooks created a chart of accounts based on the retail industry. However, Margaret Lockhart also receives income from design consulting. She needs to modify the chart of accounts to add an income account for consulting. Other kinds of balance sheet accounts to track specific assets, liabilities, or equity For example, you may need to add a fixed asset account to track the depreciation of a new equipment purchase, a long term liability account to track a business loan, or an equity account to track the investment from a new business partner.

A complete list of your business accounts and their balances appear in the chart of accounts. You use a chart of accounts to track how much money your company has, how much money it owes, how much money is coming in, and how much is going out.

For Lockhart Design, youll add an income account for her consulting income. Click the Account menu button and choose New. It is important to enter historical transactions in this order: 1. All sales sales receipts, invoices, or statement charges 2.

Customer payments received for outstanding invoices after the start date. Bills received since the start date 4. Bills paid since the start date 5. Deposits made to any of the accounts since the start date 6. Any other cheques written other than bills since the start date. The information provided in the videos gives you an overview of the program and more detailed information about using specific parts of the product.

When you have questions, QuickBooks provides:. Live community. Instant access to frequently asked questions and experts who can answer your own questions. Tutorials on key tasks. These are available by choosing Learning Centre Tutorials from the Help menu.

Conceptual explanations of how to apply QuickBooks to your particular business situation. Step-by-step instructions. A search engine that provides you with a list of topics related to the word or phrase you enter. There are several ways to access QuickBooks Help:. Click the Help icon in the icon bar of the screen. From the Help menu, choose QuickBooks Help.

You can type what youre looking for in the Help Search field, and QuickBooks displays a list of topics. The Relevant Topics tab displays a list of topics related to the QuickBooks screen you are using. Type customers, and click the arrow button. QuickBooks displays a list of topics related to customers. When you are finished working on a file, you can close the file. See Installing the exercise file in the Introduction to this guide if you havent installed it. Select Restore a backup copy and click Next.

Select Local backup and click Next. Select the qblesson. In the Open or Restore Company window, click Next. Click OK when you see the message that the file has been successfully restored. Lists save you time by helping you enter information consistently and correctly. When you store information on a list, you enter it once and never need to retype it. Think about how much information you use more than once in your business:. Names, addresses, and other information about customers who purchase from you on a regular basis.

Simply enter repetitive information into a list once, and then use it over and over on cheques, on invoice forms, and other daily transactions. You dont have to enter all the information for your company lists before you begin working with QuickBooks. You can add information to lists as you go along.

When you set up your own company in QuickBooks, the EasyStep Interview lets you choose a chart of accounts designed especially for your type of business. However, not every business has the same needs; youll want to make a few changes to the list. QuickBooks displays the chart of accounts for White Ridge Construction. Scroll through the list. The chart of accounts displays balance sheet accounts first, followed by income and expense accounts. Before you modify the preset chart of accounts, we recommend that you have your accountant or QuickBooks Professional Advisor review the chart of accounts that QuickBooks has set up for you.

You may need to add income and expense accounts, add subaccounts, delete accounts, or move accounts. It is important to decide on an account structure before you begin entering transactions.

Refer to Handout 1, Balance sheet accounts as you explain each account type and the kinds of transactions you use each type for. In the next exercise, youll edit White Ridge Constructions Chequing account to provide the account number.

In the chart of accounts select Chequing. Click the Account menu button at the bottom of the window , and then select Edit Account. QuickBooks displays the Edit Account window. In the Description field, type The Provincial Bank. In the Bank Acct. Your window should look like this. White Ridge Construction wants to add a second subaccount for trade publications.

In the chart of accounts, click the Account menu button and then choose New. Select Expense and click Continue.

In the Account Name field, type Trade Pubs. Select the Subaccount of checkbox, and then select Dues and Subscriptions in the dropdown list. In the Description field, type Trade Publications. In the Sales Tax Code field, choose S from the drop-down list. QuickBooks displays the new subaccount in the chart of accounts list. Explain to students that in addition to the accounts that QuickBooks sets up by default based on the industry they select during the EasyStep Interview, QuickBooks also creates certain accounts as needed based on the features used in the program.

For a list of these accounts, refer to Handout 2, Accounts created automatically. It also holds information about the jobs or projects you may want to track for each customer.

Click Customer Centre in the icon bar. To show details of customer transactions, it may be necessary to select Next Fiscal Year in the date field.

The Customer Centre lets you add, edit, and get reports on your customers. Each customer in the list can have multiple jobs you may call them projects or accounts. QuickBooks displays the New Customer window. The New Customer window is where you enter all the information about a new customer, including invoicing and shipping addresses, contacts, credit limit, and payment terms. QuickBooks uses the information you enter to complete invoices, and other transactions.

When youre setting up your company file, you use this window to record customers opening balances. Notice that QuickBooks fills in the Customer Name field and the first line of the Invoice To field with the information you typed in the Company Name field. By default, QuickBooks sorts the list alphabetically. This is useful for alphabetical sorting of lists and reports. In the Invoice To field, click at the end of the company name line and press Enter.

Type Pine Street, and then press Enter. Notice that you press Tab to move between fields, but you press Enter to move from one line to the next within a field. Each of your customers can have multiple shipping addresses. You can also set which address to use as the default address. The default address for each customer is used on sales forms, letters, labels, and in Shipping Manager. Click OK to use this address as the Godwin Manufacturing ship to address.

QuickBooks lets you add the type of contact information you use most commonly in your business, like phone, fax, email and even contact information including LinkedIn, Twitter and other modern forms of contact. If you plan to e-mail invoices or statements to customers using the Send Forms feature, use this window to enter your customers e-mail addresses. The Additional Info tab is where you can provide other important information, such as customer type if you want to categorize your customers in some way , payment terms, and sales tax information.

Click the Additional Info tab. In the Type field, type Industrial. The Type field lets you track customers in any way that is meaningful for your business. For example, if you run ads on television, radio, and in print, and you want to know which advertising method brings you the most customers, you can assign customers a type TV, Radio, or Print and run reports that tell you which referral source is most effective.

White Ridge Construction uses the Type field to categorize customers by the type of service provided. Press Tab. QuickBooks tells you that Industrial is not currently on the Customer Type list and asks if you wish to add it. Click the Quick Add button to add the customer type to the list. Quick Add lets you set up the item with a minimum amount of data.

If you click Set Up, you can enter more detailed information, but that interrupts the process of creating a new customer. QuickBooks remembers each customers credit limit and warns you when a customer is about to exceed it. You can also record information about each customers preferred payment method. Purchases Payroll Reports Accounting Basics Customization and Shortcuts Next Steps. For Accountants and External Bookkeepers Book Info. Chapter 1 – Overview of QuickBooks Chapter 2 – Vendors


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Lesson 8 – Introduction to Financial Reports Day 1 Knowledge Check – Quiz. More Practice Questions and Answers. How to Pass a QuickBooks Test? Setup Utilities List Management Items Sales Purchases Payroll Reports Accounting Basics Keep handy for quick reference. New Getting started with QuickBooks Online. Download it now. Getting started with QuickBooks Online Payroll. Our demo is pre-populated with data e. The demo is free, unbreakable and resets so you can take it for a test drive again and again.

Try Now. All you need to start getting the most out of QuickBooks. Take me back. Search thousands of help articles on our Support Site. Go to support. Use the help button from any page within QuickBooks Online to search articles or connect with an expert. Sign in. Get help and links to useful resources from other small businesses using QuickBooks. Go to community. See our Terms of Service for further information.

Pricing : All prices are in AUD. From month 4 from the date of enrolment, the price will change to the then current monthly price. See current prices here. QuickBooks Payroll prices are not eligible for this discount. For further details about QuickBooks Payroll prices see here. Your account will automatically be charged on a monthly basis until you cancel.

You may cancel at any time. There is no limit on the number of subscriptions ordered under this offer. This offer cannot be combined with any other QuickBooks Online promotion or offers.

During the free trial, you may pay any number of employees using QuickBooks Payroll free of charge. To continue using QuickBooks after your day trial, you’ll be asked to present a valid credit card for authorisation and you’ll be charged monthly at the then-current fee for the service s you’ve selected. Pricing, terms and conditions, including service options, are subject to change. You’ll also find useful resources in the QuickBooks Community.

Devices sold separately; data plan required. QuickBooks Payroll cannot be used on the mobile apps. Not all features are available on the mobile apps and mobile browser. QuickBooks Online mobile access is included with your QuickBooks Online subscription at no additional cost.

Get started today. First Tutorial. Find Timothy On LinkedIn. He then taught tax and accounting to undergraduate and graduate students as an assistant professor at both the University of Nebraska-Omaha and Mississippi State University. He most recently spent two years as the accountant at a commercial roofing company utilizing QuickBooks Desktop to compile financials, job cost, and run payroll. Sign up to receive more well-researched small business articles and topics in your inbox, personalized for you.

Fit Small Business content and reviews are editorially independent. We may make money when you click on links to our partners. Learn More. Explore the chapters in the guide. QuickBooks Online allows you to: Organize income and expenses: Having your income and expenses all in one place will make it easy to provide your CPA with the information to file your taxes. You can also control if they can edit transactions or view and run reports.

Access up-to-date financial reports: QuickBooks allows easy access to financial statements when you need them, such as applying for a business loan or line of credit. Now that you understand the importance of maintaining your books, here are three tips to get the most out of our free QuickBooks Online tutorials: Use QuickBooks every day: You will learn QuickBooks fastest if you use it every day. For the first lesson, we suggest you watch three videos a day so that by the end of day five, you will have completed all 15 videos.

Follow along in your QuickBooks Online: We suggest you have your QuickBooks file open and mimic what you see in each video tutorial with your own data. Start at the beginning: This course was designed for new QuickBooks users, with each topic building on the previous one.

Unless you are a seasoned QuickBooks user, I recommend you begin with Lesson 1 and complete the course in the order it is presented. Our free QuickBooks course consists of eight lessons.

Part Setting Up QuickBooks In this lesson, you will learn how to set up key areas of QuickBooks like bank and credit card accounts, invoice templates, products and services, and the chart of accounts. Visit QuickBooks! No, thanks. Was this article helpful? Yes No.


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