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Altium designer 17 highlight net free

This command is used to route the entire board using the Situs Autorouter. Situs is a Topological Autorouter. A topological autorouter uses a different method of altium designer 17 highlight net free the routing space – one that is not geometrically constrained. Rather than using workspace coordinate information as a frame of reference dividing it into a grida topological autorouter builds a map using only the relative positions of the obstacles in the space, without подробнее на этой странице to their coordinates.
It does this by triangulating the space between adjacent obstacles. This triangulated map is then used altium designer 17 highlight net free the routing algorithms to “weave” between the obstacle pairs from the start route point to the end route point. The greatest strengths of this approach are that the map is shape independent the obstacles and routing paths can be any shape and the space can be traversed at any angle – the routing algorithms are not restricted to purely читать статью or horizontal paths, as with a rectilinear expansion routers.
After launching hiyhlight command, the Situs Routing Strategies dialog will open. The Autorouter conducts its own pre-routing analysis and presents the results as a report in the dialog. The report provides information including:. Altium designer 17 highlight net free report lists potential problems that could affect router performance. Where possible, hints are altium designer 17 highlight net free in order to advise how the design could be better prepared prior to autorouting.
The Autorouter comes pre-configured with a number of Routing Strategies that have been found to be useful for different applications, but you can create your own strategies based on experimentation and the sorts of boards with which you are working. A new routing strategy can be added from the dialog by clicking the Add altium designer 17 highlight net free, which opens the Situs Strategy Editor dialog.
Use this latter dialog to define the strategy as required by including the routing passes you need. With a clean pre-routing analysis, and the chosen routing strategy selected, proceed to start the Autorouter by clicking the Route All button. After launching the command, the Choose Net Classes to Route dialog will ffree.
Select one or more net classes that you wish to route using the Autorouter then click OK – the Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections for all nets in the chosen net class es using the Main routing strategy.
After routing is complete, the dialog will re-open. Choose further net classes to route or click Cancel to exit. This command is alrium to route all connections emanating from the pads of components in the specified component class es. After launching the command, the Choose Component Classes to Route dialog will open.
Select one or more component classes that you wish to route using the Autorouter, specifiy the Altium designer 17 highlight net free Routing Mode then click OK – the Autorouter will attempt to altium designer 17 highlight net free all connections that emanate from the pads of all components in the chosen component class es using the Main routing strategy.
Choose further component classes to route or click Cancel to exit. After launching the command, the Autorouter will initialize and the cursor will change to a cross-hair. Жмите the cursor over any connection line or pad in the net you wish to route altium designer 17 highlight net free click or press Enter.
The Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections in the net using the Main routing strategy. Continue routing connections associated with other nets or right-click, or press Esc to exit.
Position the dexigner over the component you wish to route then click or press Enter. The Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections emanating from pads of the chosen component, up to the deeigner encountered pad altium designer 17 highlight net free each case using the Main routing strategy. Continue routing connections associated with other components or right-click or press Esc zltium exit.
This command is used to route all connections emanating from the pads of currently selected components in the main design workspace. First, ensure that all components whose associated connections you wish to autoroute, are selected in the main design workspace.
After launching the command, the Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections emanating from pads of the selected components, up to the next encountered pad in each case using the Main routing strategy. Crack adobe illustrator download command is used to route all connections running between the currently selected components in the main design workspace.
First, ensure that all components whose associated connections you wish to autoroute are selected in the highligght design workspace. After launching the command, the Designwr will altuum to autoroute all connections running between the pads of the selected components using the Main routing strategy. This command is used to route all connections emanating from the pads of the component under altium designer 17 highlight net free cursor.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by right-clicking over a component and choosing the Component Actions » Autoroute Component command from the context menu. After launching the command, the Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections emanating from pads of the component, up to the next encountered pad in each case using the Main routing strategy.
This command is used to route all connections that are fully contained start and end 71 altium designer 17 highlight net free specified area. Position the cursor then click to anchor the first corner of the routing area. Move the cursor to altium designer 17 highlight net free the routing area then click to anchor the second corner. The Autorouter altium designer 17 highlight net free highloght to autoroute deaigner connections starting and ending within the designated area using the Main routing strategy.
Continue routing connections within another defined area or right-click or press Esc to exit. This command is used to route all connections that reside completely within the boundaries of a selected room. Position the cursor over the room you wish to route then по этому адресу or press Enter. The Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections that reside completely within the room boundaries using the Main routing strategy.
Continue routing connections associated with other rooms or right-click or press Esc to exit. This command is used to route all connections that reside completely within the boundaries of the room under the cursor.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by right-clicking over a room then choosing the Room Actions aktium Autoroute Room command from the context menu. After launching the command, the Autorouter will attempt to autoroute all connections that reside completely within the room boundaries using the Main routing strategy.
This command is used to run продолжить чтение Situs Routing Strategies dialogfrom where you can interrogate a pre-routing analysis report altium designer 17 highlight net free the design and choose the strategy to be used when routing. Altium designer 17 highlight net free routing strategy is the intelligence of the Router, defining which of the various routing algorithms to use and when in order to turn the ‘virtual’ routing paths identified in the topological map into high-quality, highly efficient, real routing on the board.
The Situs Autorouter is a Topological Autorouter. Rather than using workspace coordinate information as a frame of reference dividing it into a grid highligth, a topological autorouter builds a map using only the relative nt of the obstacles in the space without reference to their coordinates. The greatest strengths of this approach are that the map is shape independent the obstacles and routing paths can be any shape and the space can be traversed at any angle – the routing algorithms are not restricted to purely vertical or horizontal paths as with a rectilinear expansion routers.
The chosen strategy will be selected the next time you use the Autorouter to route the entire board. This command is used to terminate the autorouting process at the completion of the current routing pass. After launching the command, the Autorouter will stop and no further routing of the altium designer 17 highlight net free will take place. Any connections on the board that have already been routed will remain routed.
This command is used to reset the Autorouter – initializing the memory needed by the autorouter before it attempts to route. Altium designer 17 highlight net free allows you to effectively modify the existing routing strategy, or change to a different routing strategy, on-the-fly, when routing the entire board.
Use the dialog to make changes to the current routing strategy where available or switch to a different one then click the Route All button. After launching the command, progress of the Autorouter will be temporarily halted. To continue again, run the command again which now appears as the Route » Auto Route » Resume command. Using Altium Documentation. Parent page : PCB Commands The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:.
Autoroute All. For a high-level look at this approach to auto-routing, see Topological Autorouting. It is essential that any routing-related rule violations are resolved before starting the Autorouter.
Not only can violations prevent routing at the location of the violation, they can also greatly slow the router as it continually attempts to route an unrouteable area.
In general, the default routing strategies for two layer and multi-layer boards are fine for most routing situations. It is important, however, to ensure that any relevant routing design rules are set up prior to running the Autorouter.
Autoroute Net Class. Tips It is important to ensure that any relevant routing design rules are set up prior to running the Autorouter. All Autorouter event and routing information will appear as messages in the Messages panel.
Autoroute Component Class. Autoroute Net. Autoroute Component. Autoroute Selected Component. Autoroute between Selected Components. Desigber Component Context Sensitive. Autoroute Area. Autoroute Room. Autoroute Room Context Sensitive. Setup Autorouter. Stop Autorouter. Reset Autorouter. Pause Autorouter. Once the command has been used, the entry on the menu will change to Resume.
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