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Server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working windows 10 free download.Server 2012 R2 with Essentials – Folder Redirection not working. Sigh.

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What could take multiple guys 2 hours or cree each to find is accessed in around 15 minutes on Experts Exchange. All rights reserved. Covered by US Patent. Normally, it is quick configured in GPO. Takes 5 minutes and its done. I logoff from the Windows 10 and logon with the same user account.

Now i get to see when the owrking is logged on that im signed on with a ‘ temporary profile ‘. The logfiles: Event ID: – User Profile Service Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on witha temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log workingg. Event ID: redirectikn User Profile Service Windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming profile and is attempting to log you on with your local profile. Changes to the profile will not be copied to the server when you log off.

This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights. DETAIL – The network name cannot be found The above message with Event ID:When ever i try to go rediretion the user folder in the map redirects then i can just access the location, i tested this with the name of the location from the GPO and with the name of the domain.

Both are working fine, i can access it. Also i can ping all over the network without worikng issue, i do not understand why the above error http://replace.me/9737.txt server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working windows 10 free download while essnetials network name is found and resolved.

When ever i logon the client: The users profile with Desktop and Documents is in the folder that it belongs on the server, althougt redirfction i logon i do not get my desktop with a test folder on my Windows 10 AND Windows server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working windows 10 free download client. This issue appears on each and all users. When ever i take a new user and i logon, it gets created приведенная ссылка in the Redirect folder but after logging off and logging on i suddenly get the temporary profile again.

Disabled Move the contents of Documents to the new location. Enabled Policy Removal Behavior. Leave contents Configuration Control. Group Policy Primary Computer Evaluation. Disable Redorection have i done to solve it: I have deleted all profiles that i found on the computer.

I have given the user Domain Admin rights to test if it was any issues with the permissions. I have http://replace.me/5738.txt in the registry the accounts that i found there, althougt not all accounts were showing there with what i logged on. Compaired the policy with different servers i have running what is all exactly the same with a Server R2 and Windows 7 clients.

I deleted the server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working windows 10 free download where the redirected folders are in and created a new folder. The only thing i found is the above logfiles and the follow in GPResult: Folder Redirection failed due to the error listed below. Cannot complete this function. Additional information may have been logged. Reidrection has a suggestion what it can be? Join the community to see this answer!

Unlock 1 Workng and 10 Comments. Andrew Hancock – VMware vExpert. See if this solution works детальнее на этой странице you by signing up for a 7 day free trial. What do I get with a subscription? 20112 your subscription – you’ll gain access to our exclusive IT community of thousands of IT pros. We can’t always guarantee that the perfect solution to your specific problem will be waiting for you.

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Troubleshoot connecting computers to the server in Windows Server Essentials | Microsoft Learn

This article describes the issue — Windows 10 feature upgrade removes the already foldrr client connector and breaks the Essentials features such as client backup, Remote Web Access, LaunchPad APP etc. Just call the command with one value or the other and it’ll supply the other. Note If additional issues occur or if any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request. Work Folders can be deployed with existing deployments of Folder Redirection, Offline Files, and смотрите подробнее folders.


Operation to change a personal folder location fails in Windows – Microsoft Support


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First off, let me give you a heads up by saying I’ve scoured the internet looking for a solution, and all I could continue to come up with was references to a WMI issue for Server Essentials.

We do not have that version, and since I still can’t fix this bugger of an issue, here I am. A little brief info for you on our environment. I took over the sysadmin work for a small K I realize there’s a subreddit for that, but this truly doesn’t have any thing to do with K specific issues last year in August. This system was in place when I took over: we have one physical server machine.

I am getting ready to move all staff to Windows 10 on their machines, but I want to get folder redirection working. The reason for the folder redirection is two-fold. One, so I don’t have to manually redirect their user folder paths to the file server, and two, so that if I forget to do that, they aren’t saving to their local computer where it doesn’t get backed up.

A teacher isn’t going to dig for their home directory on our file server. They’re going to click My Documents and save it there no matter where it’s going on the back end. To the issue at hand. And I have test it and found it to be working in Windows 7.

However, when logging in to a Windows 10 machine, it logs in with a temporary profile and does not redirect the folders. Does anyone have any ideas? Even though we don’t have Essentials, I tried to create a WMI filter anyways just for shoots and gigglies, and it didn’t do a thing.

Thanks for ANY suggestions. I’ve sunk about 10 hours into this troubleshooting, and I’m currently spinning up a Virtual Box to test it there too. I can’t quite figure it out. BTW, if the solution is to upgrade the 2k8 server to , I can do that, but was hoping to wait until was out in September-ish. Will grab that info shortly when I get on site. I am pretty sure our functional level is , but will confirm and post.

Folder redirection can fail in funny ways. Also, from what I remember, the folder redirection policies changed significantly in windows 8. If the redirection policy came from an old template it may be causing issues in win10 for some reason. And setup a test OU. Disable inheritance and build a new set of policies with the new templates in said OU Might have to run the policy editor from a windows 10 machine with RSAT installed. Sometimes that’s easier.

I’ve found that if you’re jumping from one windows version to another it’s not the worst idea to put the machines with the new windows versions with new policies in their own OU anyway Or use wmi, or groups, or whatever you want – Point is sometimes older policies have weird behavior on newer versions of windows. I think you’re probably correct. When I asked the previous company why they didn’t promote up to a version for both DC’s, they said they had to leave the functional level at for some reason, but I can’t recall why.

It may be moot at this point, and maybe worth upgrade the to This will prevent it from applying GPOs because it cannot read them. To fix it, the 2 below commands will add registry entries that disable UNC hardening. You will have to do this on every 10 client that uses the DC as its logon DC. I had this same issue at one of our locations that still has a non-R2 DC.

I was actually crossing my fingers hoping that it WASN’T when I saw your reply come in, thinking I’d have a way to start trouble shootings.

So everybody knows, the issue is not the “client” per say. After hours of troubleshooting with my colleague we narrowed it down to an issue with Windows 10 devices running the Latest build Anything before that for example will work flawlessly. If you don’t believe me, try for yourself ;. I don’t currently have a workaround other than to role back to earlier builds but even then you only have 10 days to do so or you are SOL.

I’m having this issue as well. Set up a GPO central store. You likely don’t have the. Not sure if that means it’s working correctly or not, but something is causing the temp profile. You mention that Windows 10 is logging in with a temporary profile, temporary profiles will not get the redirection, if it is indeed a temporary profile, you need to deal with that issue first. I agree, the temp profile thing is an issue.

But I can’t pinpoint it. When logging into a W7 Enterprise box, there are no issues. It simply seems to be the W10 Enterprise box that causes the temp profile issue. I’m heading onsite soon and will post the EventIDs and text I’m seeing on the client. Well, everyone, there’s good news and bad news for anyone who got here from Google in the future. In stead of beating my head on the wall for any longer after working on some of your suggestions tonight , I decided to spin up another W10 client box the one with issues was the first one Turns out, this freaking GPO is working fine.

It’s a client issue. I don’t know why or what is wrong the first client with issues was a fresh install. But this second client has worked flawlessly.

It must be something stuck in the Registry. On the first client with issues, I’ve trashed profiles numerous times. But a fresh login on a new box solved the issue. Not just for one user, but for any users the GPO is applied to. The content is: “The processing of Group Policy failed. Group Olicy settings may not be applied until this even is resolved. The really interesting thing? That file is accessible from the client.

If I manually path to that file location on either DC, the or , it pops right open. So I have no clue on the cause of this. But I guess if you’re reading this in the future, if it’s not too much of a pain, backup the machine if needed and re-imaged. Something was clearly botched at some point.

The GPO is working just fine on the other machine. Do any of you have any further questions for me that might help someone out who ends up here in the future? I’m happy to divulge anything else. Thank you SO much for your replies. I know that in the end I just reimaged, but the troubleshooting helped to solidify other things in my brain in the future. So I appreciate it, folks. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. I’ve lurked a long time, but decided to post to see if you folks could help. So why is this working on Windows 7 machines and not Windows 10? Edit: DC02 is R2. My apologies on not including that in my original post.

Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! Create an account. I’ll look into all of these once I get on-site later today. Much appreciated. Get someone’s advice that has experienced the same though before you take my word for it.

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