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MotionPulse BlackBox. Action Essentials 2: 2K. VC Account. Remember Me. SIGN IN. Forgot Password? About Video Copilot Account. Optical Flares Plug-in. Optical Flares Bundle. Pro Flares Bundle. PRODUCT FEATURES. What is Optical Flares? Build, Edit and Customize Lens Flares with amazing speed and simplicity.

Custom Interface from inside After Effects. Interface Features. USING OPTICAL FLARES. Illuminate your Possiblities. Great For:. Optical Flares Uses:. PRO PRESETS ADD-ON. Powerful Preset Pack for Optical Flares optional.

Add More Flare! ADVANCED FEATURES. The most powerful Lens Flare tool in the world! Optical Flares will automatically calculate size and intensity based on your 3D Lights. REAL TEXTURES. Add realism with lens artifacts from actual photographic elements to create the most genuine lens flares ever seen! Static lens objects come to life with dynamic triggering to create natural animations without keyframes!

KEY FEATURES. On-Lens Simulations. Includes 12 HD lens textures or use your own. Obscure layers by alpha or luminance to simulate the light source going behind objects in the foreground.

Luminance Tracking. Generate a lens flare from bright spots in your video such as a particle system or matte layer. Control resolution and threshold. Mask Positioning. Animate lens flares along the contour of complex shapes with ease. Great for detailed shapes that would require extra key framing. Add smooth flowing shimmer to elements with self-propelling animation. Simply set the amount and speed of the animation. Chromatic Aberration. Simulate realistic color bleeding around the outside of the lens.

Light Flickering. Make lights appear more energetic with random light flickering featuring a unique seed for each light source. Choose from smooth or Twitchy.

Optical Flares renders up to 32 bpc offering high color fidelity as well as enhanced speed with Graphics card acceleration. Flexible Core Objects. Build stunning lens flares with the use of 12 powerful core objects. These elements offer unmatched flexibility with detailed control settings. Precise Translating. Control the position of each object with distance, offset and custom translation.

These features are essentials to building anamorphic elements. ADVANCED TUTORIALS. Learn Optical Flare with fun projects. Light up the Night! Optical Flares includes over 90 minutes of After Effects training by Andrew Kramer. Learn to use Optical Flares with several real world examples and in-depth information on building complex lens flare presets from scratch. The tutorial include building a wall of lights, constructing a bright concert scene and tutorials that teach you how to combine Optical Flares with live action footage.

Tutorials include footage and images required to complete the lessons with After Effects. CREATIVE PRESETS. The Creative Lens Flare Studio. Visual Preset Browser. Load Presets with 1-click and try out many looks for your project. You can add to or remove elements to get the perfect look. Experimentation is encouraged! Optical Flares is designed to provide instant visual feedback when editing a lens flare and when loading presets. You can even combine multiple presets to create the ultimate Lens Flare that would be so bright that it would have a lens flare too!

Make as many lens flare presets as you want and easily save and organize them into sub-folders for quick retrieval. WATCH DEMO. Plug-in License: The product may be installed on 1 workstation and 1 personal system such as a laptop or home computer. This applies only if the systems are used by the same person and not multiple users. Please read our License Agreement for more information. Read Our Story. Jump To: Products Blog Tutorials Forum Contact Support. Connect With Us! We use cookies to provide you with a better service.

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xxx » newproduct 1. make me laugh でももちろん通じますが、crack me up を使うと、 涙が出そうな位に面白い、大笑いだ、といったニュアンスを より強く出すことが出来ます。. What are you saying? How did you two meet?

Don’t get me wrong, I do. But it’s really cold outside. Don’t get me wrong. I’m just trying to help you. win-win の反対はもちろん lose- lose です。どちらにとっても プラスにならない、いい事がない、という状況について使えます。 セットで覚えておくといいですね。. プログラムは人間の限界をはるかに超えて 、光速まで処理できるので、人工知能の時代には、人間の議論のスピードを超えていける可能性すらあります(新型コロナウイルスがパンデミックを引き起こして、人間の概念を数値化できないストーカー人工知能では、不可能!と判明した).

位置情報などは自己申告だが、アップルとユーザーを欺いて不適切な利用をしていることが分かればガイドラインと契約違反になり、App Storeからの削除や開発者登録の抹消もありえます。. たとえば、生産性、利益という欲だけを追求する人間。地球を救うという欲だけを追求する人間。利益と真逆なぐうたらしたい時間を最大化したいという欲を追求する人間。などの最低生活を保護、向上しつつお金の循環を通じて個人同士の相互作用も考えていく また、憎しみの連鎖も解消する. 多様性はあるが、欲という側面では皆平等。つまり、利益以外からも解決策を見出しお金儲けだけの話だけではないのが経済学 カントの「永遠平和のために」思想も含めて個人のプライバシーも考慮. それは、ポール・A・サミュエルソン が、近代経済学の教科書「経済学」の冒頭で「個人を富裕にする貯金は、経済全体を貧困にする!(所得が一定の場合)」というわかりやすい言葉で表現しました。しかし、庶民の所得が増加し、貯蓄が投資、消費に回る場合には、「倹約のパラドックス」は生じません。.

その後、この「倹約のパラドックス」は、アメリカの経済学者・ケネス・J・アロー が「合成の誤謬」を数学的論理に基づいて「個人個人がそれぞれ合理的選択をしても、社会システム全体は合理的選択をするとは限らない」を検証してみせた。 要するに、部分最適ではなく、全体最適させていくということ。.

つまり、新産業でイノベーションが起きるとゲーム理論でいうところのプラスサムになるから既存の産業との 戦争に発展しないため共存関係を構築できるメリットがあります。デフレスパイラルも予防できる?人間の限界を超えてることが前提だけど. As Alvin Toffler says, the speed of the government and the speed of the company are fundamentally different from each other, so it will be more difficult to go backwards.

Therefore, by carefully intervening in the market, utilizing the power of artificial intelligence etc. It may approach the speed of the company. Also, it is privacy infringement to use artificial intelligence in surveillance cameras in Japan without a court warrant. Perhaps also to conceal the communication of the Constitution of Japan?

Pressure against the common people who are weak? I read the number of the car without permission. It is installed as a huge politician of the influence, a government office, a police, a television station and a large and medium enterprise for reporting. Since it is not applied in Japan, it may be better to mandate a warrant application legally.

そして、サンデルやマルクスガブリエルも言うように、哲学の善悪を判別し、格差原理、功利主義も考慮した善性側に相対的にでかい影響力を持たせるため、弱者側の視点で、XAI 説明可能なAI 、インターネット、マスメディアができるだけ透明な議論をしてコンピューターのアルゴリズムをファクトチェックする必要があります。.

ジェニファー パルカ プログラム 政府 国家 コロナ App 政治 オープン アプリ プライバシー 市民 ワーク 関係 真麻 ヒーリング 日本 和食 公共 インター ネット ベーシック インカム NHK zero ニュース 発見 discover discovery. 家で食事するときに少しずつ、『乐队的夏天』(英名:THE BIG BAND)という中国で大人気のシリーズ番組を見ている。これは、バンドの格付け番組で、しかも、これまではテレビや動画サイトには登場しなかったようなインディーバンドが登場する。番組内では、各出演バンドの裏側にあるストーリーがAmerica’s got talentのように感動的ドキュメント映像として放映され、バンドメンバーや関係者のインタビューも取り込んでリズミカルに進んでいく。ステージ上で1バンド1曲演奏し、それを観覧者と、司会者たち、音楽専門家たちが投票により評価する。M-1のようにランキングが決定し、下位の者は淘汰されていく。ときにはバンドのメンバー同士の喧嘩やその後の仲直りの様子が放映されたり、フルタイムの仕事を持っているバンドメンバーが仕事の合間にリハやライブをこなしていく並ならぬ努力の様子に観覧者や司会者が感嘆したり。音楽を聴く上で不必要なバックグラウンドがどんどん公開され言語化される。そして、バンドメンバーらの言動、友や仲間を大事にする姿勢、創作において諦めずに努力する姿勢などが褒め称えられていく。そしてこの番組を見ている私もバンドたちのストーリーを消費しているというわけだ。食事ごとに、もうこれ以上見る必要はないんじゃないかと思うぐらい下世話な番組なのだが、中国のポップ・カルチャー理解と語学習得のための修行と言い聞かせ、嫌々ながらも習慣化させて見ている。コロナを見事封じ込んだとされる中国の首都、北京で収録されているその番組に映る観覧者たちは、マスクこそしているが、ステージ前に密になり、バンドの演奏と一緒に大声で歌い叫び、友達どうし肩を組み、跳ね回る。.

けれども、慣れるとまずいことだってある。『乐队的夏天』のようなインディーを謳っていたものが大衆性を帯びるときには、何らかのプロパガンダが含まれていることも怪しんだ方がいいんじゃないか。慣れすぎる前に、頭を冷やさなければいけない。そういえば、最も慣れてはいけないのは、日本政府がコロナ対策として行った愚策の数々である。当時、Go Toキャンペーンのニュースに違和感を抱き呆れた私たちも、結局は今、その言葉が世間に馴染んでしまったことを認めないわけにはいかない。.

I moved houses. Moving is a pretty big decision for most people, but I feel that I do not ask myself enough questions when making that decision. For example, what is the distance between my new home and my place of work? Where should I go to get food and daily necessities in my new neighborhood? Will all the things I had in my old house fit in my new house?

What kind of furniture will I need for my new home? I have been told that I am decisive but I do not have good judgment. This time, too, I decided to move first, and I did it by saying to myself, “Let’s go for it.

Everything will be alright. I had only decided on the job and I thought whatever would happen would happen anyway. I am sure that I am here today because everything did turn out alright. The other day, when I went from my new home in Kobe to my workplace in Osaka for the first time, I became worried about the future. Especially when I have a late shift and leave work at around 9pm, it takes me about two hours to get home due to poor train connections.

I laughed to myself that this commute was way too long. Now, I am allowed to work from home one day of my three-day work week thanks to the coronavirus, so I just have to accept the long commute thinking that I am taking a short trip twice a week. Even now, when I have finished opening all the cardboard boxes, things in the new house are still overflowing. Living there will become uncomfortable unless I reduce my belongings. Whenever I move, I realize that my life is mostly a product of random habit.

When I move and the layout of the things around me changes, I cannot remember what I usually do when I wake up in the morning and completely forget my daily routine. When I am not sure what to do, I do things that seem the most useful for me anyway, such as opening my work laptop, busily answering emails, adjusting my schedule, etc. When I do that, time passes really quickly. I look at the clock, and suddenly it is pm.

What did I do at this time of day when I lived in my old home? Nevertheless, I am sure I will soon get used to this house and I will be able to laze around or become a couch potato again. I may form a new routine. Although I tend to suffer from constipation or headaches every time my environment changes, I am also good at creating habits for myself. When I studied abroad in Fujian, China, I complained about the dormitory room I was assigned to.

However, in the end, I became too lazy to go out, so I must have been comfortable in the room after all. The chair in the room was almost broken, so I bought a plastic stall chair without a backrest for only about 50 yuan yen at the time and for a year I studied sitting on that chair. My new home is at the foot of a mountain, and when I open the windows, I can distinctly smell the forest.

In my memory, it smells like “grandma’s house,” but I will soon think nothing of it as my nostrils become gradually accustomed to it. I take the city bus from Sannomiya station to my new home. I take a seat at the back of the bus and look out of the window.

On the way, my bus passes other buses with the same system number several times. Whenever the buses pass each other, I always observe both drivers. When I lived in Naha, I often rode the bus, and sometimes I witnessed greetings between drivers, which I enjoyed seeing. Drivers of the same company greeted each other, but apparently did not greet the drivers of other companies.

Even among drivers of the same company, some made each other laugh with gestures as though they were close friends, and some coolly nodded to each other without exchanging so much as a glance. Unfortunately, I do not think I will see such scenes of greetings on the Kobe City Bus, which is a shame.

It is a shame now, but after living here for six months or so, I may no longer care whether drivers greet each other when the buses meet, and the scenes I saw in Okinawa may disappear from my memory.

When I decide to live in a place where I have never lived before, I always think to myself, “Home is where the heart is” as I sign the rental contract. By the way, many Chinese immigrants have settled in Kobe since the end of the 19th century.

I wonder if they also thought that “Home is where the heart is. One day, when I went to a Taiwanese cuisine restaurant for lunch near my office in Osaka, BEGIN’s album was playing as background music: the most famous Okinawan pop band in Japan. It was around 2pm, and I was their last lunchtime customer. I ate spicy mapo tofu while listening to BEGIN in the quiet restaurant. The food was so spicy that my eyes got teary and my nose got runny, so I ate slowly while cooling my mouth with white rice.

I could hear the music well because the restaurant was so quiet. The album was sprinkled with various motifs from Okinawan music, including an arranged version of “Kagiyade-fu” and Okinawan traditional music. I was shocked to realize that their music arrangement mixes modern and traditional and it presents true Okinawan Pop Music.

Then, finally “Shimanchu nu Takara,” had been played which is the most famous song of them in whole of Japan. I used to hear it ad nauseam in Kokusai-dori and other tourist spots in Okinawa.

When I heard the intro, I felt annoyed, thinking, “Ah, this anthem again, too much” but the lyrics naturally entered my mind in the empty restaurant.

I was deeply moved by the beauty of the lyrics, which I noticed for the first time after leaving Okinawa. I felt bad for underestimating BEGIN until then. I shed a couple of tears, but I think the restaurant staff did not notice—it could very well have been caused by the very spicy mapo tofu. I went to Umeda with my Taiwanese friend for dinner for the first time after a long while. According to her, the cost of flying from Kansai Airport to Taipei was so high that she could not even consider returning.

A Chinese friend of mine also planned to return home during the Chinese New Year holidays to bring her dog from China to Osaka. However, because of the coronavirus pandemic, he could not go to China at all and had to ask his family to look after his dog.

Although I have almost forgotten about it now, I was also planning to go to Beijing during the Golden Week, but because of the pandemic, I canceled my flight with China Eastern Airlines and got a full refund. I have saved a modest amount of mileage points for China Eastern Airlines, but they sent me a machine-generated email the other day to notify me that my mileage balance would expire on so and so date. The longer this time of living in fear of the coronavirus continues, the more people around me ask me, “Isn’t it difficult for you not to go anywhere?

Actually, I do not mind so much, because I hate the big hassle of packing my suitcase before going on a trip. No matter how many times I pack my luggage, I never get used to it. Besides, I find it more interesting to take an overview of the music situation in China from a distance on the Internet. When I eat at home, I watch bits of a TV show called “The Big Band” which is very popular in China. It is a TV program where people rate music bands.

It invites indie bands that have not appeared on TV or video sites before. In the program, the story behind each band is aired as a moving documentary similar to those in America’s Got Talent, and the program rhythmically develops including interviews with band members and their colleagues.

Each band plays one song on stage, and the viewers, MCs, and music experts evaluate the bands by voting. The ranking is decided like M-1 which is the most popular annual Manzai gran-prix in Japan, and those in the lower ranks are eliminated. Occasionally, the program shows scenes of fights between band members and their subsequent reconciliations, and the viewers and MCs express their admiration as they see the extraordinary efforts of band members who have full-time jobs to carry out rehearsals and live performances in their spare time.

The program reveals and narrates a great deal of background on the bands, which is not really necessary for listening to the music itself. Thus, people admire the words and actions of the band members, their attitude of respecting friends and colleagues, and their efforts to create music without giving up. In the end, I also consume the stories of these bands as I watch the show. It is such a vulgar program that, at each mealtime, I feel that I should not watch it anymore.

Even still, I am reluctantly making it into a habit to better understand Chinese pop culture and learn the language. The show is recorded in Beijing, the capital of China, which is said to have brilliantly contained the coronavirus.

I sometimes think that living in a society that coexists with the coronavirus means, for better or for worse, to make compromises by creating one’s familiarity and habits. I try to get used to not meeting people. Instead, I try to get into the habit of exchanging thoughtful emails and letters with them. I try to get used to a situation where I cannot take trips overseas. Instead, I try to get into the habit of collecting virtual information, which I can do without having to physically go abroad.

Or, I try to re-evaluate the things I have become too familiar with. My experience of listening to Okinawan popular music, which I had become sick of hearing in the past, is somewhat similar to the stance, “rice and miso soup are good enough as a basic” advocated by cooking expert Doi Yoshiharu. Ah, miso soup. I can turn miso soup into a special side dish without making a fuss by simply adding one of my favorite ingredients, and I can be satisfied with just rice and miso soup.

Even if I get tired of something, I may just have to re-evaluate its contents. However, there are things that we should not get used to. When a TV program that praises indie bands like The Big Band becomes popular, we should suspect that it also contains some kind of propaganda. We have to cool our heads before becoming too engrossed in it. By the way, one thing we should definitely not get used is the number of ridiculous policies introduced by the Japanese government as measures against the coronavirus.

Still, I have to admit that Japanese people have got used to the Go To Travel campaign in the end, even though we found the phrase silly and strange at first. Conversely, I have been able to put an end to some unnecessary habits.

In the past, I assumed that I was somewhere at the bottom of the music industry, so I tried to go to music events as much as possible, but the coronavirus has helped me quit the habit as those events have been canceled due to the pandemic.

They are gradually returning, but I no longer go to music events to tag along with my friends. I have realized that I can still get the input I need from other sources without going to music events. I enjoy listening to music while lying down alone at home. I have got used to living in fear of the coronavirus. I wore a mask even when it was hot every day in the summer, and I got used to eating out less.

As I live my life while testing my adaptability again and again, I get the illusion that I can now do all sorts of things. However, I have simply grown accustomed to doing these things. When I re-evaluate all aspects of my life, most of my behaviors are the product of habit.

It is often the case that you can live more happily if you simply let yourself get used to your situation and pretend not to see things even when you do.

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