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How to factory reset windows 10 home laptop 自由.Three Ways to Reset Windows 10 to Factory Settings on Laptop/Desktop Computer
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How to factory reset windows 10 home laptop 自由. Space Jet: ゲーム・オブ・ウォー – 自由のための楽しいゲーム
Check the information on compatibility, upgrade, and available fixes from HP and Microsoft. Windows 11 Support Center. Fix Win10 USB Print issue. Resetting your computer to factory settings might be necessary if the operating system is damaged, the hard drive is corrupted, the computer is infected by a virus, or you are transferring ownership of the computer.
HP System Recovery removes all hard drive data and reinstalls the original operating system. HP Cloud Recovery is available for HP PCs manufactured in and later. HP Cloud Recovery allows you to download recovery software to a USB flash drive. If your computer is not supported by HP Cloud Recovery, go to HP PCs – Reset the computer for more information. Before performing a system recovery, review the topics that might prevent the need to run a recovery or might help to ensure a successful recovery.
Many startup or boot issues are caused by minor problems that are easily corrected. Before recovering your computer, try to determine if other, non-destructive, corrective actions will fix the problem. For more information, see HP PCs – Computer does not boot or start. Scheduled backups can help you recover some, if not all, of your information in the event that something happens to the original files on your computer. Factory resetting your computer destroys all the files on the hard drive.
If you did not back up your files before running a factory reset, the computer might display a prompt to make a backup copy of your files before the reset performs any action that erases or deletes files. For more information on backing up your important files, see HP PCs – Backing Up Your Files. If your computer develops a problem, perform a Microsoft System Restore before performing a system restore.
The Microsoft System Restore function returns the computer to a restore point, which resets all of the settings for the operating system to those settings that existed at the time the restore point was created. No personal data files, such as email, documents, or pictures are lost. For more information on Microsoft System Restore, see HP PCs – Using Microsoft System Restore. There are several different types of recovery. See the following tables for more information on recovery options.
Restores the release to manufacturing RTM state of the currently installed version of Windows. Only INF setup information based drivers are kept. Device applets installed outside of INF are discarded. Fresh Start requires PC to be connected to the Internet to install updates and upgrades. Fresh Start keeps Store contents modifier SCM to show recommended Store apps in Store.
Bluetooth pairing info is kept for HID-class devices keyboard, mouse, game controller, for example. Power settings are kept. Identify the correct recovery tool for your computer and find step-by-step instructions for performing a recovery or reset. Use one of the following links based on the type of recovery or reset that you want to perform:. HP PCs – Using Microsoft System Restore. HP PCs – Reset the computer. HP Consumer PCs – Using the HP Cloud Recovery Tool in Windows 11 and Windows HP Business PCs – Using the HP Cloud Recovery Client in Windows 11 and Windows HP PCs – Improving Device Performance with Windows Defender and Fresh Start.
The most common cause of recovery issues is interruption of the process or turning off the computer before the recovery and setup is complete. For more information, see HP PCs – Reset the computer. After performing a system recovery, HP recommends installing updates through Windows Update. For more information, see HP PCs – Updating drivers using Windows update Windows 11, Finding your Serial Number Finding your Product Number. Select registration option. Error: Javascript is disabled in this browser.
This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser’s settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser’s documentation for specific instructions. HP Customer Support – Knowledge Base. HP Customer Support. Select your model. Let HP find my products Identify now HP can identify most HP products and recommend possible solutions.
How does HP install software and gather data? Need Windows 11 help? HP PCs – How to reset your computer to factory settings Windows 11, 10 Resetting your computer to factory settings might be necessary if the operating system is damaged, the hard drive is corrupted, the computer is infected by a virus, or you are transferring ownership of the computer.
Note: HP Cloud Recovery is available for HP PCs manufactured in and later. Preparing for system recovery in Windows Before performing a system recovery, review the topics that might prevent the need to run a recovery or might help to ensure a successful recovery.
Correct startup or boot issues Many startup or boot issues are caused by minor problems that are easily corrected. Note: Factory resetting your computer destroys all the files on the hard drive. Complete a Microsoft System Restore If your computer develops a problem, perform a Microsoft System Restore before performing a system restore.
Know which type of recovery to perform There are several different types of recovery. Recovery options Customizations HP Cloud Recovery Windows Reset Operating system Restores the original OS from HP. Drivers Restores the original drivers from HP. User data picture, documents, music, videos, desktop shortcuts Options to backup user data on separate disk or keep nothing.
Options to keep user data or keep nothing. Store apps HP preinstalled Built-in Store apps are reverted to factory state. Built-in Store apps are kept. Store apps User installed All user-installed Store apps are discarded. All user-installed Store apps are discarded.
Desktop apps HP preinstalled All preinstalled desktop apps are reverted to factory state. All preinstalled desktop apps are reverted to factory state. Note: Keeps preinstalled antivirus program as default. Fresh Start options Customizations Fresh Start Creators Update Comments Operating system Always on the latest version of Windows. Drivers All drivers are kept.
User data picture, documents, music, videos, desktop shortcuts Always keeps user data. No option to remove user data. Store apps HP-preinstalled Built-in Store apps are kept. Desktop apps HP preinstalled All preinstalled desktop apps are discarded. Fresh Start makes Windows Defender your default antivirus program. Desktop apps User installed All user-installed desktop apps are discarded. Personalized Windows settings Personalized Windows settings are saved in the cloud through your Microsoft account.
Other settings Bluetooth pairing info is kept for HID-class devices keyboard, mouse, game controller, for example. Perform a system recovery in Windows Identify the correct recovery tool for your computer and find step-by-step instructions for performing a recovery or reset. Select a recovery process for Windows Use one of the following links based on the type of recovery or reset that you want to perform: Recovery processes Recovery type Recovery procedure information System recovery HP PCs – Using Microsoft System Restore Windows reset HP PCs – Reset the computer HP Cloud Recovery HP Consumer PCs – Using the HP Cloud Recovery Tool in Windows 11 and Windows 10 HP Business PCs – Using the HP Cloud Recovery Client in Windows 11 and Windows 10 Fresh start Creators Update HP PCs – Improving Device Performance with Windows Defender and Fresh Start.
Solve common Windows recovery issues The most common cause of recovery issues is interruption of the process or turning off the computer before the recovery and setup is complete. Update your computer after system recovery After performing a system recovery, HP recommends installing updates through Windows Update.
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Tips for better search results Ensure correct spelling and spacing – Examples: “paper jam” Use product model name: – Examples: laserjet pro p, DeskJet For HP products a product number. Examples: “DeskJet Ink Advantage paper jam”, “TouchSmart bios update” Need help finding your product name or product number? Loading Results. The Virtual Agent is currently unavailable. Please try again shortly. Need help troubleshooting? Just ask.
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