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Microsoft word 2016 class 自由
Microsoft Word is the latest version of the popular word processing software offered as part of the Microsoft Office suite. This course will teach you all the skills you’ll need to successfully use Word You’ll learn everything you need to know to create and format documents, create publications such as brochures, and use Word’s advanced features. Each lesson in this course contains step-by-step instructions and screenshots that make learning easy.
There’s no need to worry if you don’t have previous experience with Word. This course uses a building block system and starts with the most basic tasks before moving forward to more advanced features and techniques. If you’ve already taken a peek at Word , then you know how much this program offers. This course was designed to teach you to use its abundant features like a pro.
While you do not need access to Word to successfully complete this course, it is helpful to be able to follow along in the program and gain hands-on experience. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the free trial of Word available from the Microsoft website.
Open Main Menu. Browse Courses My Classes. Sign In Subscribe Course Catalog. Online Class: Microsoft Word This course will teach you all the skills you’ll need to successfully use Word Students have taken this course. Course Description. Courses Frequently Bought Together:.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Microsoft Word Additional lesson topics: Microsoft Office Step by Step 8 Total Points Lesson 1 Video Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course Complete: Lesson 1 Assignment Assessment: Exam 1. Additional lesson topics: Use Word to open documents created in earlier versions of Word; How to Track Changes in Word Documents; How to Co-Edit a Document in Word 11 Total Points Lesson 2 Video Complete: Lesson 2 Assignment Assessment: Exam 2.
Additional lesson topics: Word tips: Navigating through a document; Move around in a document using the Navigation pane 11 Total Points Lesson 3 Video Complete: Lesson 3 Assignment Assessment: Exam 3. This lesson will cover basic editing skills that all beginners to Word need to know. Additional lesson topics: Add, copy, or delete a text box; Intriguing new features in Microsoft Word for Mac 11 Total Points Lesson 4 Video Complete: Lesson 4 Assignment Assessment: Exam 4.
Text formatting allows you to change the appearance and layout of text and other characters within a document.
Additional lesson topics: How to Set Funky Formatting in Word ; How to Clear Text Formatting in Word 11 Total Points Lesson 5 Video Complete: Lesson 5 Assignment Assessment: Exam 5. Paragraph formatting in Word go way beyond simple alignment and margins. We will learn the various methods of formatting paragraphs in this lesson. Additional lesson topics: How to Use Paragraph-Formatting Commands in Word ; Use the Style Inspector 11 Total Points Lesson 6 Video Complete: Lesson 6 Assignment Assessment: Exam 6.
Over the years, Word has become the end-all be-all of word processing programs. You can apply a formatting style to different elements of your document or the entire document. It makes formatting very quick and easy. Additional lesson topics: Differences between templates, themes, and Word styles; How to Remove Style Formatting in Word 11 Total Points Lesson 8 Video Complete: Lesson 8 Assignment Assessment: Exam 8. Formatting your pages makes them look more attractive and makes them easier to read.
Templates are documents that are already designed for you. Additional lesson topics: Word Templates and Themes 11 Total Points Lesson 10 Video Complete: Lesson 10 Assignment Assessment: Exam Word has a wealth of tools to add interesting graphics that will help your readers easily grasp all of the important information. Additional lesson topics: Insert pictures in Office and Office ; How to insert an online picture in Word 10 Total Points Lesson 11 Video Complete: Lesson 11 Assignment Assessment: Exam Tables are a grid arranged into columns and rows.
You can use tables to do complex page layout operations. Additional lesson topics: Insert a table in Word for Mac; Insert a table in Word 11 Total Points Lesson 12 Video Complete: Lesson 12 Assignment Assessment: Exam Additional lesson topics: How to Use Microsoft Word as a Desktop Publishing Tool; Printing Your Own Greeting Cards in Word 11 Total Points Lesson 13 Video Complete: Lesson 13 Assignment Assessment: Exam In this lesson, we are going to discuss ways you can organize long documents to make them easier to manage and to navigate.
Additional lesson topics: Microsoft Word Training; Advanced Word. Create a master document and insert other documents 11 Total Points Lesson 14 Video Complete: Lesson 14 Assignment Assessment: Exam In this lesson, we are going to focus on some elements common to documents that are more of a technical nature, and the features Word provides to create these elements.
Additional lesson topics: Insert fields; Create a bibliography; Microsoft Word Tutorial 11 Total Points Lesson 15 Video Complete: Lesson 15 Assignment Assessment: Exam To create mailing lists, envelopes, labels, and merge mail lists, you will go to the Mailings tab on the Ribbon.
Additional lesson topics: How to Mail Merge in Office 11 Total Points Lesson 16 Video Complete: Lesson 16 Assignment Assessment: Exam Spell Check is probably one of the most popular features in Microsoft Word simply because you do not have to be an excellent speller or need a top notch editor to successfully use Microsoft Word Additional lesson topics: How to Proof Your Document All at Once in Word ; How to Preview a Document Before Printing in Word 10 Total Points Lesson 17 Video Complete: Lesson 17 Assignment Assessment: Exam Lesson Comparing, Merging, and Protecting Documents.
The Document Inspector lets you check your documents for hidden properties and personal information before you share it with other people. Additional lesson topics: Merge edits from different copies of a document 11 Total Points Lesson 18 Video Complete: Lesson 18 Assignment Assessment: Exam In Microsoft Word , you can customize the ribbon to your liking. You can change the order of the tabs, or rearrange the groups that appear on each tab. Describe introduction to MS Word and what it can do.
Describe working with documents and the keyboard. Summarize navigating through a Word document. Demonstrate basic text editing. Demonstrate text formatting.
Demonstrate page formatting. Describe methods and reasons for using templates. Summarize working with graphics, pictures, and tables. Summarize desktop publishing capabilities and working with long or technical documents. Describe mail merge processes. Describe proofing, printing, and publishing. Describe comparing, merging, and protecting documents. Describe methods for customizing and expanding word. Additional Course Information.
Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online.
Course Title: Microsoft Word Languages: English – United States, Canada and other English speaking countries. Category: UniversalClass. Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.
CEU Value: 0. CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training IACET.
Instructor: UniversalClass Instructional Team. Choose Your Subscription Plan. Add to Cart. Start Now. Student Testimonials. I liked how it did not assume the student knew things about Word prior to this course.
The explanations were to the point and easy to understand. I also liked how it gave examples as to why you would want to use certain abilities. It even gave me some things I could use at work.
I especially appreciated the assignments because I feel they ensured I really learned how to do what was discussed in the lesson. I appreciated the feedback that the instructor gave in response to my submissions. I learned a lot of new shortcuts that will help me work faster. I needed extra training and this class helped me in all the right areas. I was able to read the material while practicing on the computer.
I work with word processing everyday, but I was astonished by many of the features. This class saved me the trouble of pushing every button on every ribbon to figure out all those features. The instructor is very knowledgeable and the lesson plan well organized. Explore Sign In Pricing Course Catalog Group Discounts CEU Verification Gift Certificates FAQ. Trending Medical Terminology Accounting Course Writing Basics QuickBooks Training Proofreading Class Sensitivity Training Excel Certificate.
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Wordを使いこなすために!便利なテクニック記事まとめ – Loading…
通常の利用でどの程度通信インフラの帯域があれば使用できますか? 一般的な利用用途であれば、文科省が推奨する一人当たり 2Mbps 程度が確保できれば十分です。. GIGA 対応 PC の中には MILG という、堅牢性、耐久性を問う規格に準拠している製品が複数あります。またメーカー純正、社外品の双方で対応する保護カバーや保護フィルムを購入できる製品がほとんどです。. レバテックキャリアは ITエンジニア・Webクリエイター専門の転職エージェントです まずは相談してみる. Microsoft にサインアップした後、クラス ノートブックに参加すると、学生にエラーが発生します。 どうすればよいですか?
無料の Microsoft アカウントで OneNote クラス ノートブックを使用する:教師と教育者向けのガイド
エンジニアの方が、縦書き文書を作成する機会というのはほとんどないのではないでしょうか? それだけに、いざWordで縦書き文書を作成しようとすると、「いつもと勝手が違い、思うように手が進まない」ということもあるかもしれませんね。 特に違和感を感じるのが、縦書き文書のページ表示。 1ページめが左、2ページめが右といったように、左右逆に表示されてしまうので、どうしても使いづらさを覚えてしまいます。 「ページの並びを右から左になるように変更したい」 というときは、ぜひ《【Wordの小ワザ】縦書き文書のページ表示を右から左に変更する方法》の記事を参考にしてみてください。 こちらには、ページ設定の方法が詳しく書かれています。 その方法は、至ってシンプルで、編集言語をアラビア語に設定するだけ。 アラビア語に限らず、右から左に読む言語であれば、どれを選択してもいいそうですよ! こちらの記事は『知っとっけ?ブログ』に掲載されていました。 社会・経済・教育・スポーツなど、さまざまなジャンルの「知っておきたい」情報が詰まっているブログです。 興味のある方は、ぜひ他の記事もチェックしてみてくださいね。 【参照元】『知っとっけ?ブログ』 レバテックキャリアに転職の相談をする.
Microsoft word 2016 class 自由 –
1 つのクラスを教えるための最小限の指導要件を満たしていること トレーニング活動に戻る MCT Alumni は、MCT プログラムに自由に再参加でき (1)Word で任意の場所にページ番号を挿入するには ブログにはMicrosoftのテクニックのほか、Web関連でwanichanさんが思っていることなどが綴 円 MOS攻略問題集 PowerPoint Microsoft Office Specialist/日経BP社 afb 本・雑誌・コミック 資格・検定 PC