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Microsoft project 2013 pdf download free download.Microsoft Project 2013 Step by Step
System Requirements Supported Operating System. Install Instructions To start the download, click the Download button and then do one of the following, or select another language from Change Language and then click Change. Click Run to start the installation immediately. Click Save to copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time IT professional resources IT professional working in managed environments can find complete resources for deploying Office updates in an organization on the Microsoft Office Desktop Applications TechCenter.
Forbes USA April 30, Playboy Sweden January Skip to content Other 0. The Microsoft Project software development kit contains documentation, code samples, “How to” articles, and programming references to help customize and integrate the Project clients and Project Server with other applications for enterprise project management. Details Version:. File Name:. Date Published:.
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Microsoft project 2013 pdf download free download
Do you recommend it? Microsoft Project for Windows. Softonic review. Kristina Schulz Updated 4 months ago. Microsoft Project for PC. Microsoft Project 3. Microsoft Project Professional 3. This could be due to the program being discontinued , having a security issue or for other reasons. Easily plan and collaborate on projects from virtually anywhere!
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Project は、個別のプロジェクトを管理するためのデスクトップ ツールです。 組み込みのテンプレート、ガント チャート、タイムライン、組み込みのレポート、リソース計画など各種機能を使用することで、プロジェクトを効率的に管理することができます。 詳細を表示。. Project の基本的な作業. 新しいプロジェクト スケジュールを作成する. Excel データを Project にインポートする. Project のショートカット キー. Project 内部でタスクがスケジュールされる方法. プロジェクトをリンクしてマスター プロジェクトを作成する. プロジェクトのクリティカル パスを表示する. WBS 番号を作成する. サマリー タスクとサブタスクを作成する. タスクにリード タイムまたはラグ タイムを追加する. 概要: リソース予約. Project での Skype for Business を使ったチーム メンバーとの IM チャット. Project ビューで文字列の折り返しや行の高さの変更を行う. Project ビューで列の表示または非表示を切り替える. ガント チャートのバーの隣にタスク名を表示する.
Project ビューでタイムスケールを変更する. プロジェクトのサマリー タスクを表示する. ネットワーク ダイアグラムを作成する. ユーザー設定フィールドの Project の関数. And instead of typing into the task name or in fact any other cell in this table, you can type in the entry bar instead. Click in the next cell and again you note that the one day question mark is selected. I can just click in the entry bar and change that, say, to 12 days, click on tick.
Some people prefer to use the entry bar than typing directly into the table here. Just to show you again, you can do a file Save As. So in this case it says the start date is March 4th, the finish date is now April 12th. But I also have Advanced Properties. Now with the Advanced Properties, I can set some properties that are really more related to the file than they are to the actual workings of Microsoft Project.
So apart from showing me this file name, I can put in a subject, the author, and I suggest that as you work on your projects you put your own author name in there. Bear in mind that if you setup your Project Options with your author name anyway, it will appear in there by default.
You can use the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. Could I not fit the roof as soon as I had the walls built? That would make sense. They both need the walls but neither needs the other. So we quite often find that when it comes to putting things in sequence, when we look at these dependencies, they maybe not as straightforward as they might at first appear to be.
But if I want to force Project to insist that Lay foundation cannot happen until Prepare site has happened, I can establish a link between the two tasks. Now you could do this in a number of ways but the simplest way is this: Select the first task which means the row is highlighted in the table, hold the Control key down, select the second task, and then on the Task tab on the Ribbon in the Schedule Group, there is a pair of chain links and one of them is Link the selected tasks and one of them is Unlink the tasks.
Project and what happens is a link is added between the two. So now we can see the dynamic nature of Project as we add or change dependencies between the tasks. The walls have to all be completely built before we can fit the roof.
Click on Link again and fitting the roof goes out to there. Now this task, Fit windows and doors, offers a couple more really interesting questions in terms of dependencies. First of all, do we have to have finished fitting the windows and doors before we fit the roof?
The answer to that is no. Must the walls be completely built before you fit the windows and doors? Do you have to have laid the foundations before you fit the windows and doors? I think yes you reasonably do. And you would certainly have had to start building the walls.
Project conclusion in something like this that the dependency is a little bit more complicated. Something along the lines of well I will have had to do some building of the walls before I can fit windows and doors. A simple link there and now we can see that I will in effect be fitting the windows and doors and fitting the roof at the same time.
And the whole build will be finished what around about the end of April by the look of it. So the dependency here is from Lay foundation to Build walls. There are four types of dependency. This is a finish to start which means that Lay foundation must finish before Build walls starts. We normally use a letter abbreviation here.
So finish to start is FS. Let me just cancel that and let me now click on Fit windows and doors. Let me double click and bring up that Task Information dialog again. In the Task Information dialog, you have one tab Predecessors and this tells you what the predecessor tasks are. Now the predecessor task there is only one for Fit windows and doors is Build walls. I mentioned the ID numbers earlier on. This is how you uniquely identify a task in Project So the only predecessor currently of Fit windows and doors is Build walls ID 3.
The type of dependency is FS with a zero day lag, and that in its very basic form is how to setup a dependency between tasks. These tasks can be in any sequence. So if I had chosen Build walls first and Lay foundation second and created a link Lay foundation would have followed Build walls. We need to look at those in quite a bit more detail later on. If you want to look at the resources, there are a number of views specifically related to resources.
Now if I click on the button below Gantt Chart there on the Task tab on the left, click on that, I get a list of available views, and one of the available views is Resource Sheet.
So to switch back to Gantt Chart, I can just click on that and the one three to the right of that is the Resource Sheet View. So if I click on that, that switches me back to Resource Sheet.
Now let me set up some resources and one way of setting up resources is to set them up in the Resource Sheet. Now a brick layer is a person who lays bricks. Project know specifically which one yet. And there are some situations where I may assign an individual straightaway, but more of that later.
The next thing we need to do is to click into the next field which is type and select a type. Now in many ways this choice is the most important one of all. But a couple of these fields are important. So when we come to schedule the building of the house, having only one brick layer may well turn out to be a very important thing. In Project , there are basically three types of resource and I want to look at each of those types now.
The three types of resource are work, material, and cost. Project our house. So it will be people like the brick layers, the laborers, the plasterers, the painters, and so on. Materials are the resources that get consumed in the building of the house. So this will be things like bricks, window frames, concrete, cement, mortar, and so on.
Cost, typically is other costs. So we might have a pool or what in the U. Now the way that these three different types are used within Microsoft Project are actually quite different and particularly when we get to the area of working out costs, the way that the three of them work is very different. Our brick layer as a person is a type of work resource. And if you look over to those cost fields that I mentioned just now, you can see that we have a standard rate, so a certain number of dollars per hour that we pay a brick layer.
And then we have an overtime rate, a certain number of dollars per hour that we pay on overtime, extra time rate. We also have another cost figure which is cost per use which is usually an additional cost we may have to pay one off to use this resource. So you may have to hire a piece of digging equipment. For example, a cost for the supplier of the digger equipment to deliver to your site and collect it again at the end which is a one off additional cost.
This is a material resource. Watch what happens when I select material to the other fields that have been filled in there on the resource sheet. You notice that what the default values are changed.
The standard rate is no longer per hour. The standard rate is the cost. There is a cost per use. Project particularly helpful field name because what that field actually represents is the units of measure of the material.
So my unit of measure is going to be that, thousands. I could put the word Thousands. In fact, you can put anything you like in that field as long as it makes clear what the units of measure are.
So in a typical house, I might use say around 10, to 15, bricks which means that this particular material, bricks, if I wanted 12, bricks I would say 12 of this resource because this resource is 1, bricks. But let me just point out a couple of other things.
If I say select the bricks line and double click, I come up with a Resource Information dialog, a bit like the Task Information dialog but this has got basically all of the information you need about a specific resource. So if over a particular period of time the cost of something is going to go up or down or increase by a percentage, you can cover that within the resource information here. So when it comes to things like costing, Microsoft Project is pretty powerful in terms of what you can do.
And what I want you to do is to add some additional resources using the resource sheet. Now the terminology you use may be different. Depending on your locale you may call a person that deals with wood in a building a joiner or a carpenter, depending on where you are. And you may use an abbreviation like a Chipee for a joiner.
Again, a door single unit. And I left you with an exercise where I asked you to add a carpenter as a work resource and door and window as material resources. Now I appreciate that term carpenter normally implies a much more skilled resource than somebody who fits windows and doors. And in the U. But I believe that term is no longer in use in the U.
For instance, if I click on the plus sign here where it says Resource list options there are facilities there, for example, to filter. If I have a long list of resources and I want to find a suitable resource by filtering I can use the filter facilities. I can also look at finding out which resources are actually available for a task rather than being used elsewhere.
For the moment, all I want to do is to allocate the brick layer to the task of building walls. That means one brick layer. And depending on the cost figures, the cost of using the brick layer on that task is indicated here. But if I had put a rate per hour and possibly even an additional cost per use, then the total cost of using the brick layer on building those walls would be shown here. Project I could go through now and assign more resources to more tasks.
You can customize and format a Gantt Chart but basically by default you would normally see the names of the resources that are used in a particular task listed next to the Gantt Chart bar.
Now if I use the little rollers here, I can go up in multiples. But it does say in the units column there 12 and then my units, thousands. Now you may be wondering what this RD column here is. And in situations, particularly where resources are shared between different projects and possibly different project managers, you can demand specific resources or you can request resources. Project Assignments Group, is Assign Resources. And if I click on Assign Resources, I get that same dialog again.
In Project in general, you can get just about everything from the Ribbon and a selection of things from the contextual menu at any specific point. Note that while this particular dialog is open, you can still select tasks in the Gantt Chart. And if you click on that, it takes you to the Open page in Backstage View.
Now you then have a list of potential locations for a project that you want to open. At the top of the list, you have the recent projects list. You can open a project from your SkyDrive. But think of it as what many people nowadays refer to as Cloud based storage. One of those is going to be the one with the example files that come with this course. So if I click on that, it takes me through to that list of example files. Project device.
And there are various other possibilities such as Excel workbooks because I can import content for a Microsoft Project file from a workbook, an Excel binary workbook, an Excel earlier version workbook, and so on. There are a number of possibilities there, and one of the other options I have is to specify all files. One of the options you have is to use the switching facility within Windows. Hold the Alt key down and press the Tab key repeatedly and that will let you step through all of the available open windows and each of the projects you have open will have a window that you can switch to using this approach.
Click on the drop down and it lists the open projects. So you can have more than one project open at once. If you click on Backstage View, File, one of the options there is Close and that will close the specific project that you have selected in view at the moment.
Project projects you have open at that time. So in this case that will close Project 4. So if I click on that Close button, Project 4 is closed. In fact, Project is still running but I now have no projects open so it waits for me to either open an existing project or create a new one. Now let me just go back to that Open page again and again look at this list of recent projects.
If you click on the push pin, it pins it to the list which means it stays fixed there until you unpin it. If you click on the picture of the pin again, it will be unpinned. Now exactly the same principle applies on the start screen where you have the list of recent projects on the left. There is a button normally enabled on the Quick Access Toolbar, a picture of an old style diskette which is by default the standard image for Save.
But there are various other save types as well and I want to take a quick look at those now. But if I click on the drop down on Save As Type, I can see the list of other options that are available to me. Now first of all, we have a group of options that relate to earlier versions of Microsoft Project. The file extension MPP has been common throughout but the format has actually changed over many versions. Before that there was a format and then before that there was a format that was used in , , and versions of Microsoft Project.
Before that there was a format that was used with the Project 98 version. But using Project , you cannot save a Project file in the Project 98 format, although you can read those older formats. Why might you want one of these old formats? Project on the files. You can save a Microsoft Project as a template. And then you can also save it as an Excel workbook and this is effectively exporting it into Excel so that you can do other work on the tasks in Microsoft Excel.
So select PDF and click on Save. I get a dialog box. I can choose what range of dates I want to save. And then I can choose whether to include nonprinting information, document properties, document showing markup, and then the PDF options a bit of a technical option.
So that is saving a project as a PDF file. Now we come to something very important in relation to save and that is to look at the Project Options relating to save. And the first option on that page is to select the default save format. It would reduce the chance of you accidentally saving in the current format. You can also choose a default file location. Project when you start using Project , this defaults to your User Documents Folder within Windows but you can save it to do a different one.
The next important option is AutoSave. Now I mentioned earlier in this section that you should save your work regularly. Well, I would go one step farther and I should say that you should have AutoSave set on to save your work regularly for you. Some of them for example are pretty straightforward. This one Save to computer by default, check that, and then by default it will save to Computer rather than trying SkyDrive or somewhere else. Use all of the default settings, include all of the dates.
Now the first thing to note is that when you look at the top section on this page, Calendar Options for this project, once again you have a drop down. You have a drop down that lets you choose this particular project or all new projects. Now you may well have a standard calendar that you use on all your projects but you may have a particular one that gets a different calendar to everything else.
So what do I mean by a calendar for a project? And at that time people can do work on this project. Individual people may have different calendars. They may have different availability. But every project as a background needs a project calendar which is the basic time that work is done or is possible to be done on that project. So first of all, I have a couple of straightforward options here. One of them is on what day of the week does the week start? And the fiscal year start defaults to January.
You can change that to one of the other months of the year for your fiscal annual reporting. We then have a default start time and a default end time for tasks. Now again this is not the same as the start time and end time as will appear on the calendar. As it says in the note here, these times are assigned to tasks when you enter a start or finish date without specifying a time. If you change this setting consider matching the project calendar using the Change working time command.
How many working hours per day, how many hours per week, this is based on a five day working week, and how many days per month.
Clearly, in reality the number of working days per month varies depending on which month it is, and then allowing for things like Christmas, public vacations, Easter and that sort of thing.
And if they get out of step, you can give yourself really quite a few problems. Project a view of the current standard project calendar. Now the standard project calendar is the default that comes with Project If your default, your standard calendar for your projects does not agree with this, then you can change the standard. Maybe this is the one that I use for all of my building projects. I can create a new base calendar from scratch so that means I specify everything or I can just make a copy of the standard calendar.
Default, if I double click on Default it brings up a little dialog, Details for default, and this lets me define my standard working week; my default working week. So if I want to setup the working hours for my default working week what I can do is to go through the days of the week, Sunday through Saturday, and for each day of the week I can specify the working hours.
If I step through the days now you can see what they are by default. So Monday, for example, you can see grayed out there 8 to 12, 1 to 5 and then the same for the other working days of the week and Saturday is a nonworking day. So by default that means Sunday and Saturday have been nonworking days, the others will be working days.
Or I can specifically say Set the selected day or days to nonworking time or I can say Set the selected day or days to these specific working times.
Project those days by holding down Monday, the Shift key, and then Friday, so all five days are selected, I can click on Set days to these specific working times. Those areas are now editable and I can enter my new working times for the five working days of the week. So let me just click in the first one which currently says 8 a. Project Online デスクトップ クライアント Project Professional Project Standard Project Professional Project Standard Project Professional Project Standard Project Professional Project Standard Project Project Standard Project Project Standard その他 注: レポートの印刷イメージには凡例はありません。.
注: [カレンダー] ビューを印刷する場合は、[ 印刷 ] ページの [ 日付 ] ボックスを使用して、印刷する日付の範囲を指定できます。 [カレンダー] ビューを書式設定して、ページに表示される情報量を最大にすることができます。そのためには、タイムスケールとテキスト スタイルを書式設定します。 期間あるいは連続する週数のみを指定できます。 表示用や印刷用に、連続しない週を選択することはできません。. はい いいえ. サポートに役立つご意見をお聞かせください。 品質向上にご協力いただけますか?
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Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Project Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Project Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements. Details Version:. File Name:. Date Published:. File Size:. System Requirements Supported Operating System.
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