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Logic pro x production tutorial 自由. Logic Pro Xの新機能『スマートテンポ(ファイル・テンポ・エディタ)』の使い方

We will help you take these ideas and mix and arrange them. In truth, those are both processes that you might typically do at the same time in music production — arranging and mixing as you go along — so do bear that in mind that as you read this one. You might need to adjust levels here or tweak effects there to make the parts work in your new arrangement and finished song.
For many, the arranging part of music production can often be the trickiest, possibly a stumbling block. This is strange as sequencers and modern production technology make the process easy. When looking at a typical song structure, think of it in terms of these sections: intro, verse, chorus, bridge and outro. Typically, you will start with an intro, go into a verse, maybe two, then a chorus, bridge, verse, chorus, outro. One of my personal favorite ways of using the drummer in Logic Pro X, is not to create complete drum performances.
For example: I can use the drummer for adding fills to my epic cinematic toms. Or spicing up the high-end with stick hits on my Taikos, by using the hi-hat performance from the Drummer track, and so on. Basically: I choose the drum part s from the kit, to create the percussion performance from. Then I choose the drummer, the style, shape the performance, and then I drag and drop the created region to the track I want to use it on.
Then finally, I polish the MIDI in the piano roll. Transitions and fills are so important in music, for adding that spark of change and anticipation, for something new that you will introduce in the next section of your track.
That is why I often use a 1 bar drummer region to help me get a starting point for a fill or transition, that I can then option-drag to one or several percussion tracks in my composition. Then I can go into each of the copied regions and make some customizations to fit my specific needs. But the point is that I get a great starting point, which cuts down the time dramatically.
And I love features that make my composition workflow more efficient! Logic Pro X Drummer Tutorial Complete Guide The Great Drummer in Logic Pro X Hello Logic users, Mike here. This is my complete guide on the Logic Pro X Drummer for Music Production. Feel free to Bookmark this Page for future reference!
Shape the Style per Region Beat Presets You can even use independent beat presets for the drummer on each region inside the drummer track. Create More Regions Scissor Tool The Drummer AI works per region, so by creating more regions you can add more variation into your drummer track. Control the Transitions Create Transition Regions If you want even more control over the drummer track in a transition from one section to another in your track, you can simply cut a small extra region just before the transition point.
Change the Instrumentation The Drum Kit You also have independent control over the parts of the drum kit used, per region. Add some Fills Fills Knob You can use the Fills knob, and dial in the strength and complexity of all the fills, the Drummer adds to a selected region.
You can also choose if the swing will be based on 8th triplets or 16th triplets feel. We will create a new Template file…. Select your audio input device and sample rate from the drop down menus on the left. You get several choices including Drummer and External MIDI but our main ones will be Software Instrument and Audio, the latter as shown. Similarly you want the main outputs of Logic linked to the speakers that you have connected to the outputs of your interface.
All of this is included and you should only have to do this here very often it will already be set up for you. In this case we want this track to be our record input so have assigned it to 1 on the Saffire. To make full use of Logic Pro X, you will want to turn on all the advanced tools and options. In the menubar, click on Logic Pro X, Preferences, then Advanced Tools. Logic Pro X will take a few seconds to enable all the options.
You might notice a slight visual change in the user interface of Logic Pro X after these options have been enabled.
This shows how many features were disabled previously. We will now begin configuring our audio preferences. Click on Audio, then ensure that you are in the devices tab. You can also access this panel from the menubar by clicking on Logic Pro X, Preferences, then Audio. Core Audio is the digital audio infrastructure of the Mac OS.
Most audio interfaces are Core Audio devices and you should always leave this setting enabled. Choose your desired audio device for your input and output devices. This will list all Core Audio compatible audio devices including both internal and external hardware. If your audio interface is not showing in this list, ensure that your audio interface is properly connected to your Mac and has been turned on.
The flexibility in Logic Pro X is the ability to choose different audio devices for the input and output devices. This allows for some creative and flexible use cases. The smaller the buffer size, the less latency there will be when recording, mixing, or working with software instruments. If your computer is not able to handle the increased workload caused by the smaller buffer size, audio playback will be affected in the form of pops, clicks, crackling, or audio dropouts.
【DAW】DTM初心者だった僕がLogic Pro X を選んだ理由 | 29歳からアーティストを目指してみる
これからDTMを始めようと思っている方で、Logic Pro Xについて気になっている人の参考になれば幸い これじゃぁ自由な発想ができないじゃないか。 含まれない Logic Pro Xの大型アップデートにより強力な新機能が追加されました! などがあり、クリックで自由に画面上に追加する事ができます!