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Adobe illustrator cs6 tools tutorials pdf 自由


J Layer Mask -Allows you to hide certain parts of the layer, which can then be revealed by using the paintbrush and the white paint color to expose portions of the layer. K Layer Set -This option helps to organize images with multiple layers. Click the icon to create a folder for several layers. L Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer -Have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden and duplicated in the same manner as image layers.

Click the icon and select an option to create a new fill or adjustment layer. M Create New Layer -Click this icon to create a new layer. N Delete Layer -To delete a layer, select a layer in the Layers palette and drag it to the trash can icon, or select a layer and click the icon. Toolbox If you used other Adobe products, such as Illustrator or InDesign, you should be familiar with the toolbox in Adobe Photoshop CS6 as it shares some of the tools from these applications.

If you are a new user of Adobe products, you should keep in mind that you might not need to use all of the tools. In this tutorial, only the basic tools will be discussed in-depth. These tools have small black triangles in the right-hand corner. Figure Selection Tools Move Used to select and move objects on the page. Click the tool button, then click on any object on the page you wish to move.

Selects an object by drawing a rectangle or an ellipse around it. Marquee Click the tool button, choose a rectangular or an elliptical marquee. Drag the marquee over the area of the image you wish to select. Lasso Selects an object by drawing a freehand border around it. Click the tool button, drag to draw a freehand border around the are of the image you wish to select. Magic Wand Selects all objects in a document with the same or similar fill color, stroke weight, stroke color, opacity or blending mode.

By specifying the color range or tolerance, you can control what the Magic Wand tool selects. Crop Click the tool button, then click and drag the tool over the part of the image that you want to keep. Resize the selected area dragging the squares at the sides and corners. Eye Dropper Takes color samples from colors on the page and displays them in the Color Boxes.

Select the tool, click on the color in the image you wish to sample. The Color Box will display this color. Alteration Tools Healing Brush Corrects small blemishes in scanned photos. Select the tool, hold down the ALT key and left-click on the base color you need to heal. Then left-click over the blemish. Brush Draws brush strokes of different thicknesses and colors.

Select the tool. Then click on the selected area, drag to draw lines. Use the Options bar to change the brush, mode, opacity and flow. Clone Stamp Takes a sample of an image and applies over another image, or a part of the same image.

Hold down the ALT key and left-click on a certain point of the document where you want to start your copy point. Then, put your mouse over whatever part of the new document you want the picture to go to.

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse across the page to copy the picture. Art History Brush Paints over an image using the source data from a specified history state or snapshot. Select the tool, specify the brush, blending mode, opacity, style, area and tolerance. Eraser Removes part of an existing path or stroke. You can use the Erase tool on paths. Text can only be erased when rasterized. Select the tool, click on the part of the image you wish to erase. Drag to erase pixels.

Paint Bucket Applies a color fill to a selected part of the image or to an entire layer. Select a layer you wish to apply the paint bucket to, click the tool button, click on the starting point, and click the area you wish to fill. Blurs the sharp edges of an image. Blur Select an area where you wish to apply the tool. Click the tool button and choose the brush, mode, and strength. Drag the brush along the edges.

Drawing and Selection Tools Path Selection Selects paths and path segments. Select the tool, click anywhere on the path. Type Types text on a page. Every time you click the Type Tool on a new portion of the page, a new layer will be created. Select the type tool, click on the page and begin to type. You can specify the font and size in the Options bar. You can also resize and transform the text box by dragging the squares at the sides and corners.

Use the Move Tool to move the text on the page. Pen Draws smooth-edged paths. Select the tool, click on the page and drag to draw a path. Click and drag the anchor points to modify the path. Line Shape Draws a straight line. Other shapes that are hidden in this tool are: Rounded Rectangle Tool, Ellipse Tool, Polygon Tool, Line Tool, and Custom Shape Tool. Select the tool, click and drag on the page to draw a line.

Additional Tools Hand Allows you to move around within the image. Select the tool, click on the spot on the page, hold the mouse button down, drag to move in the area. Magnify Magnifies or reduces the display of any area in your image window. Select the tool, choose Zoom In or Zoom Out in the Options bar, click on the area of the image you wish to magnify or reduce.

Color Boxes and Modes Color Boxes The foreground color appears in the upper color selection box and represents a color that is currently active.

The background color appears in the lower box and represents an inactive color. To change the foreground color, click the upper color selection box in the Toolbox. To change the background color, click the lower color selection box in the Toolbox. To reverse the foreground and background colors, click the Switch Colors icon the arrow in the toolbox. To restore the default foreground and background colors, click the Default Colors icon the little black and white boxes in the toolbox.

Note: If you are using the Gradient Tool, the currently selected foreground and background colors will be the default colors of the gradient. Basic Image Editing Now that you know how to find your way around in the Adobe Photoshop CS6 interface and are familiar with the most common commands, palettes, and tools, you can start doing some basic image editing.

Cropping Cropping is one of the most basic editing techniques that can improve your images. Cropping also allows you to make your image a standard photo size. There are several ways to crop images in Adobe Photoshop: 1. Cropping with the Crop Tool 2. Cropping to a specific size 3.

Cropping with the Marquee Tool Cropping with the Crop Tool The Crop Tool allows you to make a precise selection of an image you wish to edit. To crop with the Crop Tool, follow these steps: 1. Open the image you wish to crop see Getting Started for detailed instructions. Select the Crop Tool from the Toolbox see Selection Tools for location and description. It will automatically select your entire image. Drag the edges to fit the dimensions you desire. See Figure Resize the border by dragging the squares at the sides and corners untill you are satisfied with the way your image looks.

Once you are completely satisfied with your cropped image, press Enter. Note: You can also rotate your cropping border. Move the cursor outside the border, you will see how it turns into a double-headed arrow Figure Download free Adobe Illustrator CC a vector-based image editing program, course tutorial, a PDF file by USCAnnenberg. Download free Adobe Illustrator Essential skills, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University.

Skip to content Tutorial. Getting Started, Setting Up the Document Toolbox, Toolbox Description, Working with Layers Making Selections, Creating Basic Shapes Inserting and Formatting Text, Typing on a Path Placing Images, Working with Objects Arranging and Grouping, Locking, Applying Transparencies Applying Styles, Effects and Appearances Working with Symbols.

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