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Solidworks premium 2018 pdf free download
First, we will design and draw a simple part: an axis with different diameters. You will learn how to work with the software and learn its basic principles. You will find out how to add and remove material. SolidWorks Tutorial – 02 Picture Holder: In this tutorial you will create a picture holder, consisting of a rectangular base with 4 vertical axes on it.
To do so, you will create a few parts, which you will assemble. SolidWorks Tutorial – 04 Candlestick: In this tutorial you will make a simple container and a candlestick out of sheetmetal. You will learn about working with sheet metal in SolidWorks. We will show you a couple of ways to create a product out of sheetmetal and we will show you how to make a drawing in 2D. The game consists of two plates that are on top of each other.
In this exercise we repeat a lot of tools we already know and add a few others: working with configurations and the use of standard Parts. Some new features in this tutorial include working with tolerances and fittings and working with patterns.
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