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Downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由

A lot of users want to downgrade Windows 10 Pro to Home due to some reason. However, most of them have difficulties in doing that. MiniTool shows you how to downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Home without data loss. According to user reports, their Windows 10 Home upgrades to Pro accidentally due to a sudden update or being a part of Insider Programmer. So, they want to downgrade their Windows 10 edition. To downgrade Windows 10 Pro to Home, some people use the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool to reinstall Windows 10 Home, but the Setup automatically installs a copy of Windows 10 Pro.
Here is a true example from the answer. com forum:. The first thing is that you should make a full backup of all data because a normal clean installation is not inevitable during the downgrade process. As you know, a clean installation will completely erase your system disk.
So, it is highly recommended you back up your system disk beforehand. Here MiniTool Partition Wizard can help you do that easily. Free Download. Step 1. Prepare an empty external storage device and connect it to your computer to store the backup. Step 2. Step 3. Select an option to migrate OS.
If you want to copy the system required partitions only, select Option B. If you want to copy all partitions on the system disk, select Option A. Then click on OK. Step 4. Select the target drive you want to migrate OS to and click on Next , and click on Yes to confirm it. Step 5. Select a copy option based on your needs and click on Next to go on.
Step 6. Review the changes you just made and click on Finish to confirm that. Finally, click on Apply to execute the pending operations. In addition, you need to get a Windows 10 Home edition license that you can reactive your system correctly. Make sure you are using Windows 10 Pro edition. If you are not sure that, follow the steps below to view the Windows specifications:.
Select About from the left pane and go to Windows specifications where you will check if your edition is Windows 10 Pro. How to change from Windows 10 Pro to Home? Two ways can help you downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Home. To downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Home successfully, you need to change the edition ID and Product name of Windows 10 Pro to Home in Registry Editor and then clean install Windows 10 using the media creation tool.
Here is a full guide for you. Part 1. Change Windows 10 Pro Edition ID and Name to Home. Type regedit in the Search box, and then right-click the Regedit app from the Best match and select Run as administrator. Click on Yes in the UAC window when you are prompted to continue. In the Registry Editor window, go to the following path via the left navigation bar.
With CurrentVersion selected in the left pane, head over to the right pane and look for the ProductName string value. Double click it and changes its value data from Windows Pro to Windows 10 Home , and click on OK to save the change. Double click the EditionID string value, and then change its value data from Professional to Core and click on OK.
Go to the following path, and then repeat the same process in Steps 3 — 4 to change the value data of ProductName and EditionID , and save changes. Once you completed all the above steps, close the Registry editor and move down to the next part.
Part 2. Downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Home. Click here to download Windows 10 Media Creation Tool from Microsoft Official website. Once downloaded, run the Media Creation Tool to access the Window 10 Setup page and click on Accept to continue. Select Upgrade this PC now and click on Next.
Then Windows 10 will start downloading. This process may take you some time, so please wait patiently. Once downloaded, Windows 10 Setup will start getting things ready as the screenshots below:. In the Ready to install window, click on Install and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process. When you are on the Activate Windows screen, make sure that you enter the Windows 10 Home activation license code. After the installation is finished, you can sign in to your computer and open the Settings app to check if you have downgraded from Pro to Home.
Some other people report that they downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Home directly using the Windows 10 ISO file. To do so, you also need to change the ProductName and EditionID of Windows 10 Pro just like Part 1 in the above method and then use the ISO file to clean install your system.
Download Windows 10 ISO file and save it on your PC. Make sure you download the Windows 10 Home edition. Mount the ISO file to your drive. exe file to access Windows 10 setup. Windows 10 Setup will start preparing and click on the Change how Windows Setup downloads updates link. Untick the checkbox next to I want to help make the installation of Windows better, and then select the Not right now option and click on Next to go on.
Then Windows 10 Setup will now start getting things ready. Once you are ready, click on Accept for the applicable notices and license terms of Windows The installation process is the same as the process you use the Media Creation Tool.
So, you just need to follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. Once done, your computer should change from Windows 10 Pro to Home. I want to downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Home, but I failed to do that after trying many methods on Google. Fortunately, this post helped me a lot. Perhaps you are also looking for such a guide. Click to Tweet. How to downgrade from Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Home? To do so, you need to change the Product Name and EditionID of Windows 10 Pro in Registry Editor, and then perform a clean install using the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool or the ISO file.
Since this process will erase your system disk, make sure that you back up all important data beforehand. Have you any better suggestions or opinions on the Windows 10 downgrade operation? If you have, please write them down in the following comment area. You can also send us an email to [email protected] when you have difficulties in using MiniTool Partition Wizard.
Ariel is an enthusiastic IT columnist focusing on partition management, data recovery, and Windows issues. She has helped users fix various problems like PS4 corrupted disk, unexpected store exception error, the green screen of death error, etc.
If you are searching for methods to optimize your storage device and restore lost data from different storage devices, then Ariel can provide reliable solutions for these issues. Partition Wizard. Download Partition Wizard. Partition Wizard Clone Disk How to Downgrade Windows 10 Pro to Home Without Data Loss?
Note: Before you start the following process, make sure that you sign in as an administrator. Tip: Also, you can click on the Change what to keep link and select the 3 options: Keep personal files and apps , Keep personal files only , or Nothing based on your needs. Tip: Also, you can select the Download updates, drivers and optional features recommended option to avoid any possible updates issues.
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Downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由. ライセンスOSって?
Ask a new question. Windows 10 is available in many editions in the market, and the demand varies according to the customer.
The most common versions of Windows are the following:. The following table highlights the official upgrade and downgrade paths between various editions of Windows As you can see Windows 10 Pro to Home, Enterprise to Education is labeled as “D”. This article discusses how to downgrade in such scenarios while keeping everything. To downgrade Windows 10 Pro downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由 Home, what you need to do is, change the registry entries so that Windows Setup assumes the existing edition of Windows is Windows 10 Home.
When the Setup. Step 1: Change the Registry values. Step 2: Download the Windows 10 ISO file. Step 3: Perform an InPlace Upgrade. After installation, you should see Windows 10 Home together with updated to the latest version. If you had an existing license of Windows 10 Home, you would find Windows activated automatically, courtesy of a digital license.
Credits to FroggyPwns post from here. Comment 35 people found this helpful Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe to RSS feed. Was this article helpful?
Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Was downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由 comment helpful? After a hard disk upgrade and subsequent installation of Windows 10, W10 Pro appeared and could not get licensed.
Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由, or showing disrespect. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising.
Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Any downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由 inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 2 people found this comment helpful.
If you edit those registry entries manually it will end up saying the correct version. Running the commands above didn’t actually edit the registry for me so I did it manually. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 5 people found this comment helpful. For those struggling to get this to work, I recently downgraded Educational to Professional using a tweak of this method – whilst it’s largely the same there are one or two differences.
Here’s what I did: 1. Ensure you have a licence code for the version you are moving to, and you know what it is! Download the ISO, нажмите для деталей as ISO or USB it’s always useful to have a usb media, so I burnt it to usb, but it shouldn’t matter.
Make sure your system is patched 自由 ダウンロード realplayer ダウンロードer for windows 10 as needed. Lookup the generic code for the version you want to install google generic licence codes, I’m not sure if these change so please check.
Here is the link I used: Generic Product Keys to Install Windows 10 Editions Читать tenforums.
com 5. Disconnect from the internet. Make changes to the Registry, there are six keys which need to be changed. I ran this script in PowerShell as an Admin. This was for me going Edu to Pro, to go Pro to Homechange values. Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Home Professiona l to Core. Enter the generic нажмите чтобы увидеть больше from step 4 which matches the edition you’re moving to.
Once the install is complete, check to make sure you have your desired version installed. Enter your correct licence key from step 1 which matches the edition you’re moving to. Re-connect to the internet, re-boot and check Windows is activated. This above method worked for me, it’s posted here as an amendment to the original method from Sumit Volunteer Moderator as it includes a few extra steps others might find helpful.
Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and детальнее на этой странице articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member.
Sumit Volunteer Moderator MVP. The most common versions of Windows are the following: Windows 10 Pro Windows 10 Home Windows 10 Home Single Language Windows 10 Education The following table highlights the official upgrade and downgrade paths between various editions of Windows Prerequisites: A Windows 10 ISO file of the same or higher release from the Media Creation tool Some command-line experience.
How to downgrade Windows 10 Pro to Home without losing data To downgrade Windows 10 /26209.txt to Home, what you need to do is, change the registry entries so that Windows Setup assumes the existing edition of Windows is Windows 10 Home.
When the Setup Step 1: Change the Registry values To change the Registry entry, follow the steps here: Right-click Start and choose Windows Powershell admin Paste the following command and press enter. Download the ISO file from узнать больше Windows 10 Media Creation tool. Choose Windows 10 standard ISO file, and language accordingly. Choose ISO File. Save the ISO. Downloading the ISO file is covered in the detail here: Install Windows 10 version manually – Your Windows Guide Step 3: Perform an InPlace Upgrade Open the ISO file and run Setup.
After Preparation, select Keep personal files and apps, if prompted. You should see that there is a checkmark besides Windows 10 Home and Keep apps, downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由, and Settings. Let the procedure finish which can take up to 90 minutes on a standard PC. Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe to RSS feed. How satisfied are you with this article? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Comments 13 . Previous Next. Well that absolutely did not work.
Report abuse. Details required детальнее на этой странице. Cancel Submit. How satisfied are you with this comment?
I can’t keep the files or the apps :. it work for me just fine thanks. Rob Mr. Thanks Mr. The procedure with Core worked fine. I had a digital license, due to a free upgrade from 8. Right now I have W10 Home and it is licensed.
its wanting to reinstall windows 10 pro :. It says windows pro instead of home on the setup. exe :. In reply to BenjaminLM’s post on June 30, same here. In reply to Racheal’s post on August downgrade windows 10 pro to home premium 自由, This site in other languages x.
【7/からWindows 10へのアップグレード】クリーンインストールで安定的な環境を構築する:Tech TIPS(1/2 ページ) – @IT.
Embedded CE Industry 10 IoT. 無事にWindows10になりましたが、そのときにもアプリの一つが互換性がないとの理由により、削除された旨の説明がありました。 これは自分で入れたもののようでしたが、何に使っていたのかも覚えていなかったので気にしないことにしました。. このページの手法でWindows10にすることが出来ました。 Ultrabookで非常に取り回しが良く重宝してましたが わざわざ追加料金出してWin10にするのもなあと躊躇してた折に こちらを見つけ、ダメ元で挑戦してみたら上手く行きました。 (Win8ダウングレード機でしたがエラーは出ませんでした。ライセンス付与の方法が違うんですかね?) ビジネスモバイルとしてはまだまだ現役で使えるのでほんとに助かりました。 感謝しております。. 次に、メディアを使わずバナーからのUpgrade。結果同じ。 ふと、slui 4 を打込むと、電話認証用の区切り数字が出る(自動応答対応用の枠は無い)一応電話してオペレーターと話す。あれこれ確認をし、お答えは、その数字では無理なので「次に進む」という御案内はできません。(だろうね。多分ジェネリックキーの数字だろう。~3V66Tの). de:code さて、今後の実行としてダウンロードしたUSBから32bitから 64bitへの変更と HomeからProへの変更をしてみようかなと思いますが、可能 でしょうか? ご連絡をお願いいたします。. 会社の事務員さんの息子さんが使っていたノートPC、 『「使わなくなったから 中身 全消しして使っていいよ。」って貰ったんだけど 使えるように出来る?』 って事で預かりました。.