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【初心者向け】Windows10にJavaをインストールする方法 – 株式会社ライトコード.
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It is well-known that Java is a well-known and one of the widely used programming languages that follow the OOPs concept. To download and install Java on your bit operating system, the user needs to visit the official website of Oracle. One should know that Windowsx86 architecture refers to the architecture that is prebit.
It means it is either for a bit or bit operating system. So, for a prebit Windows operating system , use the Windowsx86 specification for the operating system. However, it is just a matter of memory as bit OS has less memory as compared to a bit OS, but the JVM Java Virtual Machine is the same. In order to download Java on a bit operating system, one needs to follow the below steps:.
Here, we have used the Google Chrome browser. On the search tab, type ‘Java JDK 32 bit download’ as you can see in the below snippet:. So, visit the provided link, and you will get the following Oracle Downloads page as shown below:. Then Sign in as shown below:. If you are a beginner or a learner, visit our Java Tutorial for the next learning section, i.
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Training For College Campus JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java,. On the search tab, type ‘Java JDK 32 bit download’ as you can see in the below snippet: 2 Several links will open, but we are required to visit the official website of Oracle, i. So, visit the provided link, and you will get the following Oracle Downloads page as shown below: 3 Scroll down, and under Java SE Development Kit 8u , you will get several downloads for Java for different Operating Systems and different specifications, as you can see in the below snippet: 4 In the last two, you will see Windows OS as Windows x86 and Windows x64 , and as we need to download for bit, target that one and under Download column, click on the link for Windows x86 as we have shown below: 5 When you click on the link, a dialog box containing the Oracle License Agreement will pop up as shown below: 6 Read and accept the license by clicking on the checkbox, and the Downloading link will get enabled, as you can see in the below snippet: 7 Click on the link, and you will be redirected to the Sign-in page of the Oracle , and there you can provide the correct Username and Password.
Then Sign in as shown below: 8 As soon you click on Sign in by providing the valid Sign-in details, the JDK for the bit system will begin to download on your system, as you can see below: Note: If you didn’t remember your username or password or need any help regarding Sign in, click on ‘Need help?
In this way, one can download Java on a bit Windows 10 operating system.